How many connected users your favourite open source video conferencing solution can handle? That's the question that videodrone wants to answer. Empirically.
Videodrone tests popular WebRTC Platforms with Selenium HQ and Python, aiming to be a lightweight build system for load test orchestration.
At this moment only chrome driver was implemented and well tested on Debian based distributions, fill free to contribute with your "drone connector". See Drone Connectors for further informations.
- python {36,37,38}
- selenium
- chromium web browser
Available drones:
- BBB meet GARR, bbbmeet_garr_chrome
- Pexip GARR, pexip_garr_chrome
- jitsi, jitsi_chrome
- Edu meet GARR, edumeet_garr_chrome
- Open meet GARR, open_garr_chrome
- lepida #iorestoacasa work, lepida_iorestoacasawork_chrome
You should know, that:
- WebRTC needs a huge load, on a intel i7 processor you would start from 5 to 8 drones
- hundreds of drones should be handled in a distribuited environment, a cluster of videodrones
- Docker is the fastest way to built a fully working environment, ready to go
- Drones have default hardcoded URLS in their code, please use
parameter to override
Provide a fully working python3 pip environment, with virtualenv
installed in.
You can even use
to build your videodrone project.
Prepare environment
apt install python3-pip wget chromium chromium-driver unzip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install virtualenv
Install videodrone.
mkdir VideoDrones && cd VideoDrones
virtualenv -ppython3 env && source env/bin/activate
pip install videodrone
Create the following directories before executing videodrone
- y4m, where your preferred y4m files resides. They will be used randomically.
mkdir y4ms
wget -O y4ms/students_cif.y4m
- drivers, where your selenium drivers resides.
Build script, DEPRECABLE: tested on Debian10 and Ubuntu Focal 20.04
wget -O
bash VideoDrone
We kindly suggest to use Docker to built in a easy and fast way your VideoDrone environment.
apt install lxc
lxc-create -t download -n $CONTAINER_NAME -- -d debian -r buster -a armhf
lxc-start deb10
lxc-attach deb10
# then choose your preferred setup as show in the previous sections.
docker image build --tag videodrone .
# go in
# docker container run -it videodrone /bin/bash
# run the container with your preferred configuration
docker container run -dit -e VIDEODRONE_DRIVER=/usr/bin/chromedriver videodrone videodrone -room thatroom -c videodrone.drones.jitsi_chrome -y4m /VideoDrone/y4ms/ -lifetime 33 -n 4
environment variable can override the default path, which is $VDPATH/drivers/chromedriver
example, this connector is configured to create a single drone to "":
VIDEODRONE_DRIVER=/usr/bin/chromedriver videodrone -c "videodrone.drones.jitsi_chrome" -r thatroom -y4m ./y4ms/
There will be a party of 4 drones in "thatroom":
videodrone -room thatroom -c "videodrone.drones.edumeet_garr_chrome" -y4m ./y4ms/ -n 4
INFO:__name__:Started drone <Process name='Process-1' pid=25900 parent=25898 started>
INFO:__name__:Started drone <Process name='Process-2' pid=25960 parent=25898 started>
INFO:__name__:Started drone <Process name='Process-3' pid=26155 parent=25898 started>
INFO:__name__:Started drone <Process name='Process-4' pid=26373 parent=25898 started>
INFO:__name__:Drone destroyed
INFO:__name__:Drone destroyed
INFO:__name__:Drone destroyed
INFO:__name__:Drone destroyed
Another example with Garr BBB meet. headless
set to false means that the browser will run in foreground.
./videodrone -c "videodrone.drones.bbbmeet_garr_chrome" -room "/b/roomname -pin thatpin -y4m y4ms/ -headless 0 -lifetime 27
Drone connectors are selenium browser macros, written in python, as simple as possibile. Drone connectors must be packaged and installed or included in your PYTHONPATH (sys.path). You can even create a python local package folder, in your VideoDrone Project.
See videodrone.drones.jitsi_chrome for example.
The big problem is the correct version of selenium's chrome-driver and chrome web browser. If you need to run videodrone as a Developer you should have to work a bit more on your workstation to get the correct versions. See Dockerfile to see how I do that.
- Fabio Farina (Garr Consortium)
- Massimo Carboni (Garr Consortium)
- Garrlab community
- IoRestoACasa Community