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Simplify and deduplicate ModSummary logic (haskell/ghcide#884)
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* Simplify and dedup parsing logic

* delete removePackageImports

* add dependencies on included files

* hlint
  • Loading branch information
wz1000 authored Oct 27, 2020
1 parent ae03da8 commit 3c64689
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Showing 2 changed files with 66 additions and 125 deletions.
138 changes: 44 additions & 94 deletions src/Development/IDE/Core/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.Compile
, RunSimplifier(..)
, compileModule
, parseModule
, parseHeader
, typecheckModule
, computePackageDeps
, addRelativeImport
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ import Development.IDE.GHC.Warnings
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans()
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type as GHC
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Development.IDE.Types.Location

Expand All @@ -67,7 +65,6 @@ import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat as GHC
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat as Compat
import GhcMonad
import GhcPlugins as GHC hiding (fst3, (<>))
import qualified HeaderInfo as Hdr
import HscMain (makeSimpleDetails, hscDesugar, hscTypecheckRename, hscSimplify, hscGenHardCode, hscInteractive)
import MkIface
import StringBuffer as SB
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,17 +99,14 @@ import Maybes (orElse)
:: IdeOptions
-> HscEnv
-> [PackageName]
-> FilePath
-> UTCTime
-> Maybe SB.StringBuffer
-> IO (IdeResult (StringBuffer, ParsedModule))
parseModule IdeOptions{..} env comp_pkgs filename modTime mbContents =
-> ModSummary
-> IO (IdeResult ParsedModule)
parseModule IdeOptions{..} env filename ms =
fmap (either (, Nothing) id) $
runExceptT $ do
(contents, dflags) <- preprocessor env filename mbContents
(diag, modu) <- parseFileContents env optPreprocessor dflags comp_pkgs filename modTime contents
return (diag, Just (contents, modu))
(diag, modu) <- parseFileContents env optPreprocessor filename ms
return (diag, Just modu)

-- | Given a package identifier, what packages does it depend on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,70 +477,10 @@ loadModulesHome mod_infos e =
mod_name = moduleName . mi_module . hm_iface

-- | GhcMonad function to chase imports of a module given as a StringBuffer. Returns given module's
-- name and its imports.
getImportsParsed :: DynFlags ->
GHC.ParsedSource ->
Either [FileDiagnostic] (GHC.ModuleName, [(Bool, (Maybe FastString, Located GHC.ModuleName))])
getImportsParsed dflags (L loc parsed) = do
let modName = maybe (GHC.mkModuleName "Main") GHC.unLoc $ GHC.hsmodName parsed

-- most of these corner cases are also present in
-- but we want to avoid parsing the module twice
let implicit_prelude = xopt GHC.ImplicitPrelude dflags
implicit_imports = Hdr.mkPrelImports modName loc implicit_prelude $ GHC.hsmodImports parsed

-- filter out imports that come from packages
return (modName, [(ideclSource i, (fmap sl_fs $ ideclPkgQual i, ideclName i))
| i <- map GHC.unLoc $ implicit_imports ++ GHC.hsmodImports parsed
, GHC.moduleNameString (GHC.unLoc $ ideclName i) /= "GHC.Prim"

withBootSuffix :: HscSource -> ModLocation -> ModLocation
withBootSuffix HsBootFile = addBootSuffixLocnOut
withBootSuffix _ = id

-- | Produce a module summary from a StringBuffer.
:: FilePath
-> UTCTime
-> DynFlags
-> GHC.ParsedSource
-> StringBuffer
-> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] IO ModSummary
getModSummaryFromBuffer fp modTime dflags parsed contents = do
(modName, imports) <- liftEither $ getImportsParsed dflags parsed

modLoc <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation dflags modName fp
let InstalledUnitId unitId = thisInstalledUnitId dflags
return $ ModSummary
{ ms_mod = mkModule (fsToUnitId unitId) modName
, ms_location = withBootSuffix sourceType modLoc
, ms_hs_date = modTime
, ms_textual_imps = [imp | (False, imp) <- imports]
, ms_hspp_file = fp
, ms_hspp_opts = dflags
-- NOTE: It's /vital/ we set the 'StringBuffer' here, to give any
-- registered GHC plugins access to the /updated/ in-memory content
-- of a module being edited. Without this line, any plugin wishing to
-- parse an input module and perform operations on the /current/ state
-- of a file wouldn't work properly, as it would \"see\" a stale view of
-- the file (i.e., the on-disk content of the latter).
, ms_hspp_buf = Just contents

-- defaults:
, ms_hsc_src = sourceType
, ms_obj_date = Nothing
, ms_iface_date = Nothing
, ms_hie_date = Nothing
, ms_srcimps = [imp | (True, imp) <- imports]
, ms_parsed_mod = Nothing
sourceType = if "-boot" `isSuffixOf` takeExtension fp then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile

-- | Given a buffer, env and filepath, produce a module summary by parsing only the imports.
-- Runs preprocessors as needed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,17 +584,17 @@ parseHeader dflags filename contents = do

-- | Given a buffer, flags, and file path, produce a
-- parsed module (or errors) and any parse warnings. Does not run any preprocessors
-- ModSummary must contain the (preprocessed) contents of the buffer
:: HscEnv
-> (GHC.ParsedSource -> IdePreprocessedSource)
-> DynFlags -- ^ flags to use
-> [PackageName] -- ^ The package imports to ignore
-> FilePath -- ^ the filename (for source locations)
-> UTCTime -- ^ the modification timestamp
-> SB.StringBuffer -- ^ Haskell module source text (full Unicode is supported)
-> ModSummary
-> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] IO ([FileDiagnostic], ParsedModule)
parseFileContents env customPreprocessor dflags comp_pkgs filename modTime contents = do
parseFileContents env customPreprocessor filename ms = do
let loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1
dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
contents = fromJust $ ms_hspp_buf ms
case unP Parser.parseModule (mkPState dflags contents loc) of
PFailed pst -> throwE $ diagFromErrMsgs "parser" dflags $ getErrorMessages pst dflags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,33 +624,49 @@ parseFileContents env customPreprocessor dflags comp_pkgs filename modTime conte

-- Ok, we got here. It's safe to continue.
let IdePreprocessedSource preproc_warns errs parsed = customPreprocessor rdr_module
unless (null errs) $ throwE $ diagFromStrings "parser" DsError errs
let parsed' = removePackageImports comp_pkgs parsed

unless (null errs) $
throwE $ diagFromStrings "parser" DsError errs

let preproc_warnings = diagFromStrings "parser" DsWarning preproc_warns
ms <- getModSummaryFromBuffer filename modTime dflags parsed' contents
parsed'' <- liftIO $ applyPluginsParsedResultAction env dflags ms hpm_annotations parsed
parsed' <- liftIO $ applyPluginsParsedResultAction env dflags ms hpm_annotations parsed

-- To get the list of extra source files, we take the list
-- that the parser gave us,
-- - eliminate files beginning with '<'. gcc likes to use
-- pseudo-filenames like "<built-in>" and "<command-line>"
-- - normalise them (eliminate differences between ./f and f)
-- - filter out the preprocessed source file
-- - filter out anything beginning with tmpdir
-- - remove duplicates
-- - filter out the .hs/.lhs source filename if we have one
let n_hspp = normalise filename
srcs0 = nubOrd $ filter (not . (tmpDir dflags `isPrefixOf`))
$ filter (/= n_hspp)
$ map normalise
$ filter (not . isPrefixOf "<")
$ map unpackFS
$ srcfiles pst
srcs1 = case ml_hs_file (ms_location ms) of
Just f -> filter (/= normalise f) srcs0
Nothing -> srcs0

-- sometimes we see source files from earlier
-- preprocessing stages that cannot be found, so just
-- filter them out:
srcs2 <- liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist srcs1

let pm =
ParsedModule {
pm_mod_summary = ms
, pm_parsed_source = parsed''
, pm_extra_src_files=[] -- src imports not allowed
, pm_parsed_source = parsed'
, pm_extra_src_files = srcs2
, pm_annotations = hpm_annotations
warnings = diagFromErrMsgs "parser" dflags warns
pure (warnings ++ preproc_warnings, pm)

-- | After parsing the module remove all package imports referring to
-- these packages as we have already dealt with what they map to.
removePackageImports :: [PackageName] -> GHC.ParsedSource -> GHC.ParsedSource
removePackageImports pkgs (L l h@HsModule {hsmodImports} ) = L l (h { hsmodImports = imports' })
imports' = map do_one_import hsmodImports
do_one_import (L l i@ImportDecl{ideclPkgQual}) =
case PackageName . sl_fs <$> ideclPkgQual of
Just pn | pn `elem` pkgs -> L l (i { ideclPkgQual = Nothing })
_ -> L l i
do_one_import l = l

loadHieFile :: Compat.NameCacheUpdater -> FilePath -> IO GHC.HieFile
loadHieFile ncu f = do
GHC.hie_file_result <$> GHC.readHieFile ncu f
Expand Down
53 changes: 22 additions & 31 deletions src/Development/IDE/Core/Rules.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (DocumentHighlight (..))

import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import HscTypes hiding (TargetModule, TargetFile)
import PackageConfig
import DynFlags (gopt_set, xopt)
import GHC.Generics(Generic)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,24 +265,20 @@ priorityFilesOfInterest = Priority (-2)
-- and
getParsedModuleRule :: Rules ()
getParsedModuleRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetParsedModule file -> do
_ <- use_ GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps file -- Fail if we can't even parse the ModSummary
(ms, _) <- use_ GetModSummary file
sess <- use_ GhcSession file
let hsc = hscEnv sess
-- These packages are used when removing PackageImports from a
-- parsed module
comp_pkgs = mapMaybe (fmap fst . mkImportDirs (hsc_dflags hsc)) (deps sess)
opt <- getIdeOptions
(modTime, contents) <- getFileContents file

let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc
mainParse = getParsedModuleDefinition hsc opt comp_pkgs file modTime contents
let dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
mainParse = getParsedModuleDefinition hsc opt file ms

-- Parse again (if necessary) to capture Haddock parse errors
if gopt Opt_Haddock dflags
res@(_, (_,pmod)) <- if gopt Opt_Haddock dflags
liftIO mainParse
else do
let haddockParse = getParsedModuleDefinition (withOptHaddock hsc) opt comp_pkgs file modTime contents
let haddockParse = getParsedModuleDefinition hsc opt file (withOptHaddock ms)

-- parse twice, with and without Haddocks, concurrently
-- we cannot ignore Haddock parse errors because files of
Expand All @@ -305,10 +300,12 @@ getParsedModuleRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetParsedModule file -> do
-- This seems to be the correct behaviour because the Haddock flag is added
-- by us and not the user, so our IDE shouldn't stop working because of it.
_ -> pure (fp, (diagsM, res))
-- Add dependencies on included files
_ <- uses GetModificationTime $ map toNormalizedFilePath' (maybe [] pm_extra_src_files pmod)
pure res

withOptHaddock :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
withOptHaddock hsc = hsc{hsc_dflags = gopt_set (hsc_dflags hsc) Opt_Haddock}
withOptHaddock :: ModSummary -> ModSummary
withOptHaddock ms = ms{ms_hspp_opts= gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_Haddock}

-- | Given some normal parse errors (first) and some from Haddock (second), merge them.
Expand All @@ -323,17 +320,14 @@ mergeParseErrorsHaddock normal haddock = normal ++
fixMessage x | "parse error " `T.isPrefixOf` x = "Haddock " <> x
| otherwise = "Haddock: " <> x

getParsedModuleDefinition :: HscEnv -> IdeOptions -> [PackageName] -> NormalizedFilePath -> UTCTime -> Maybe T.Text -> IO (Maybe ByteString, ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe ParsedModule))
getParsedModuleDefinition packageState opt comp_pkgs file modTime contents = do
getParsedModuleDefinition :: HscEnv -> IdeOptions -> NormalizedFilePath -> ModSummary -> IO (Maybe ByteString, ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe ParsedModule))
getParsedModuleDefinition packageState opt file ms = do
let fp = fromNormalizedFilePath file
buffer = textToStringBuffer <$> contents
(diag, res) <- parseModule opt packageState comp_pkgs fp modTime buffer
(diag, res) <- parseModule opt packageState fp ms
case res of
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, (diag, Nothing))
Just (contents, modu) -> do
mbFingerprint <- if isNothing $ optShakeFiles opt
then pure Nothing
else Just . fingerprintToBS <$> fingerprintFromStringBuffer contents
Just modu -> do
mbFingerprint <- traverse (fmap fingerprintToBS . fingerprintFromStringBuffer) (ms_hspp_buf ms)
pure (mbFingerprint, (diag, Just modu))

getLocatedImportsRule :: Rules ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,7 +704,7 @@ getModIfaceFromDiskRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetModIfaceFromDisk f -> do
Just session -> do
sourceModified <- use_ IsHiFileStable f
linkableType <- getLinkableType f
r <- loadInterface (hscEnv session) ms sourceModified linkableType (regenerateHiFile session f)
r <- loadInterface (hscEnv session) ms sourceModified linkableType (regenerateHiFile session f ms)
case r of
(diags, Just x) -> do
let fp = Just (hiFileFingerPrint x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -837,22 +831,18 @@ getModIfaceWithoutLinkableRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ \GetModIfaceWithoutLinkable
msg = "tried to look at linkable for GetModIfaceWithoutLinkable for " ++ show f
pure (fingerprintToBS . getModuleHash . hirModIface <$> mhfr', ([],mhfr'))

regenerateHiFile :: HscEnvEq -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe LinkableType -> Action ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe HiFileResult)
regenerateHiFile sess f compNeeded = do
regenerateHiFile :: HscEnvEq -> NormalizedFilePath -> ModSummary -> Maybe LinkableType -> Action ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe HiFileResult)
regenerateHiFile sess f ms compNeeded = do
let hsc = hscEnv sess
-- After parsing the module remove all package imports referring to
-- these packages as we have already dealt with what they map to.
comp_pkgs = mapMaybe (fmap fst . mkImportDirs (hsc_dflags hsc)) (deps sess)
opt <- getIdeOptions
(modTime, contents) <- getFileContents f

-- Embed haddocks in the interface file
(_, (diags, mb_pm)) <- liftIO $ getParsedModuleDefinition (withOptHaddock hsc) opt comp_pkgs f modTime contents
(_, (diags, mb_pm)) <- liftIO $ getParsedModuleDefinition hsc opt f (withOptHaddock ms)
(diags, mb_pm) <- case mb_pm of
Just _ -> return (diags, mb_pm)
Nothing -> do
-- if parsing fails, try parsing again with Haddock turned off
(_, (diagsNoHaddock, mb_pm)) <- liftIO $ getParsedModuleDefinition hsc opt comp_pkgs f modTime contents
(_, (diagsNoHaddock, mb_pm)) <- liftIO $ getParsedModuleDefinition hsc opt f ms
return (mergeParseErrorsHaddock diagsNoHaddock diags, mb_pm)
case mb_pm of
Nothing -> return (diags, Nothing)
Expand All @@ -879,8 +869,9 @@ regenerateHiFile sess f compNeeded = do

-- Write hie file
(gDiags, masts) <- liftIO $ generateHieAsts hsc tmr
source <- getSourceFileSource f
wDiags <- forM masts $ \asts ->
liftIO $ writeHieFile hsc (tmrModSummary tmr) (tcg_exports $ tmrTypechecked tmr) asts $ maybe "" T.encodeUtf8 contents
liftIO $ writeHieFile hsc (tmrModSummary tmr) (tcg_exports $ tmrTypechecked tmr) asts source

return (diags <> diags' <> diags'' <> hiDiags <> gDiags <> concat wDiags, res)

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