- Version : 2.4
- Author : Penthium2
- Release date : 07-01-2016
- licence : GNU GPL V.3
Inspired by original hakerdefo script.
This script generates a powerful Hosts file for linux by merging 5 lists of advertisement references. More than 3 000 000 hosts Banned.
Just run the script or add some options :
- --ats : activate blacklist of ad/tracking & malware sites listed in the StevenBlack & BlockListProject hosts file.
- --abu : activate blacklist of sites created to deceive listed in the BlockListProject hosts file.
- --cry : activate blacklist of crypto sites listed in BlockListProject hosts file (can break normal "good" crypto sites).
- --dru : activate blacklist of drug sites listed in BlockListProject hosts file (Illegal sites that deal with drugs).
- --fbk : activate blacklist of facebook sites (Blocking Facebook and Facebook related/owned services) listed in the BlockListProject hosts file.
- --fkn : activate blacklist of fake news sites listed in the StevenBlack hosts file.
- --frd : activate blacklist of fraud sites listed in the BlockListProject hosts file.
- --gmb : activate blacklist of gambling sites listed in the StevenBlack & BlockListProject hosts file.
- --prn : activate blacklist of porn sites listed in the StevenBlack & BlockListProject hosts file.
- --scl : activate blacklist of social sites listed in the StevenBlack hosts file.
- --all : activate blacklist of all sites listed in the StevenBlack & BlockListProject hosts file.
Adkill creates ~/.adkill directory then
- backs up original /etc/hosts file named : hosts-system
- creates a file with all Adblock references : hosts-block
Each time you run Adkill, its analyses your hosts file and just add new ad sources. So you can easily unblacklist an advertisement reference.
- If you run Adkill with root, the merging of original hosts file and new advertisement references is automatic.
- If you run Adkill with normal user, Adkill prompts you how to merge manualy the advertisement references in your hosts file.
Copy Adkill in your /etc/cron.weekly directory.