3D model viewer for .OBJ files in C++ / OpenGL
By using Microsoft Visual C++:
-> create new project (Win32 Console App) -> add main.cpp to 'Source Files' and the others to 'Header Files'
-> To feed an .obj file, go to Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Fill in command arguments.. (ex. skull.obj)
Linux: ( requires opengl libs )
Use the makefile provided (type 'make').
run with 1 argument ( the .OBJ file ), example:
./modelviewer filename.obj
Model Viewer Commands
character 'v' sets the viewing projection to orthographic character 'V' sets the viewing projection to perspective
character 'w' outputs the object to a file 'output.OBJ'
character 's' reset the model and camera to their default position and orientation character 'q' exits the application
Translating the model:
'l' -0.1 translation along x-axis 'L' 0.1 translation along x-axis
'd' -0.1 translation along y-axis 'D' 0.1 translation along y-axis
'n' -0.1 translation along z-axis 'N' 0.1 translation along z-axis
Rotating the model:
'p' rotate the model -10 degrees CCW around the x-axis (centered at model's center) (pitch) 'P' rotate the model 10 degrees CCW around the x-axis (centered at model's center) (pitch)
'y' rotate the model -10 degrees CCW around the y-axis (centered at model's center) (yaw) 'Y' rotate the model 10 degrees CCW around the y-axis (centered at model's center) (yaw)
'n' rotate the model -10 degrees CCW around the z-axis (centered at model's center) (roll) 'N' rotate the model 10 degrees CCW around the z-axis (centered at model's center) (roll)
Translating the camera:
translate the camera -0.1 units along the x-axis (dolly) translate the camera 0.1 units along the x-axis (dolly)
translate the camera -0.1 units along the y-axis (crane) translate the camera 0.1 units along the y-axis (crane)
'i' translate the camera -0.1 units along the z-axis (zoom) 'I' translate the camera -0.1 units along the z-axis (zoom)
Pivot the camera (about its origin):
't' rotate the camera -10 degrees CCW around its x-axis (centered at camera's origin) (tilt) 'T' rotate the camera 10 degrees CCW around its x-axis (centered at camera's origin) (tilt)
'a' rotate the camera -10 degrees CCW around its y-axis (centered at camera's origin) (pan) 'A' rotate the camera 10 degrees CCW around its y-axis (centered at camera's origin) (pan)
'c' rotate the camera -10 degrees CCW around its z-axis (centered at camera's origin) (tilt) 'C' rotate the camera 10 degrees CCW around its z-axis (centered at camera's origin) (tilt)