基于Oracle Grid Engine实现资源的统一管理和分配,提高计算资源的利用率。
Grid Engine中记录了每台服务器的资源数量或大小,例如gpu=1,tensorflow=1,ram_free=32G。用户提交任务到Grid Engine, 同时指定需要的资源数量或大小,Grid Engine自动选取符合资源要求的空闲机器用于计算,并扣除请求的资源量以避免冲突,任务结束时释放资源。 如果暂时没有符合要求的机器,任务将进入等待队列。
请求本地资源在一段时间内的独享权。这种模式下会在本地执行一个sleep任务,声明对资源的占用。 之后可以以任意方式使用。
默认请求本地tensorflow资源(gpu同时被占用)180分钟。 建议不用的时候 Ctrl-c 提前释放资源(吃饭、睡觉 etc.)。
基本用法:request [opts]
完整用法:$ request -h
- 实例1:请求成功
$ request --mem 120
Requesting for tensorflow on x22 for 120 minutes
/home/share/bin/check.sh: tensorflow on x22.q is available now.
Got it at 2016 11 16 10:36:50 CST
Job has been submitted. Use 'qstat' to track the state.
Now running...
(log files: qlog/request_tensorflow_on_x22_20161116103650.log)
- 实例2:请求失败,显示当前占用该资源的任务和用户,进入等待状态
$ request
Requesting for tensorflow on x22 for 180 minutes
- Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs
810070 0.50000 request_te chenzp r 11/16/2016 10:36:59 1
Full jobname: request_tensorflow_on_x22_20161116103650.sh
Master Queue: [email protected]
Hard Resources: arch=*64* (0.000000)
ram_free=0M (0.000000)
mem_free=0M (0.000000)
tensorflow=1 (0.000000)
gpu=1 (0.000000)
Soft Resources:
Hard requested queues: x22.q
Waiting... (0 min)
基本用法: tf [opts] <your-command> [your-command-opts] [your-command-args]
完整用法: $ tf -h
- 实例1:本地资源可用时正常执行
$ tf ./convolutional.py
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcublas.so locally
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcudnn.so locally
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcufft.so locally
Step 8500 (epoch 9.89), 17.1 ms
Minibatch loss: 1.619, learning rate: 0.006302
Minibatch error: 1.6%
Validation error: 0.9%
Test error: 0.8%
Done. log was saved in ./qlog/job_20161116135159.log
/home/share/bin/request: line 2: 306 Terminated queue.pl --qdel-on-Eqw -q $local_q -l $l_opt $logfile sleep $[time*60]
- 实例2:本地资源不可用时中断,建议尝试“方法3“,使用其他机器的资源
$ tf ./convolutional.py
- Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs
810081 0.50000 request_te chenzp r 11/16/2016 13:56:59 1
Full jobname: request_tensorflow_on_x22_20161116135658.sh
Master Queue: [email protected]
Hard Resources: arch=*64* (0.000000)
ram_free=0M (0.000000)
mem_free=0M (0.000000)
tensorflow=1 (0.000000)
gpu=1 (0.000000)
Soft Resources:
Hard requested queues: x22.q
Local TensorFlow is not available.
Try '/home/share/bin/tf --local-only false <command>'
这种调用方法首先会尝试方法2,若本地资源不可用,任务会被提交到Grid Engine执行,自动请求空闲机器的资源。
- 方法3、4、5无法在前端即时打印输出,需要打开log文件查看。
$ tail -f <path-to-log>
- 若执行任务的机器和数据所在机器不同,I/O密集时会阻塞网络。
$ tf --local-only false ./convolutional.py
- Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs - Running Jobs
810081 0.50000 request_te chenzp r 11/16/2016 13:56:59 1
Full jobname: request_tensorflow_on_x22_20161116135658.sh
Master Queue: [email protected]
Hard Resources: arch=*64* (0.000000)
ram_free=0M (0.000000)
mem_free=0M (0.000000)
tensorflow=1 (0.000000)
gpu=1 (0.000000)
Soft Resources:
Hard requested queues: x22.q
Local TensorFlow is not available.
Submitting to queue...
Job has been submitted. Use 'qstat' to track the state.
Now running...
(log files: ./qlog/job_20161116143235.log)
Job finished.
$ head ./qlog/job_20161116143235.log
# Running on serverx27
# Started at Wed Nov 16 14:32:39 CST 2016
# ./convolutional.py
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcublas.so locally
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcudnn.so locally
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcufft.so locally
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcuda.so.1 locally
I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:111] successfully opened CUDA library libcurand.so locally
I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:951] Found device 0 with properties:
name: GeForce GTX 780
$ tail ./qlog/job_20161116143235.log
Minibatch loss: 1.597, learning rate: 0.006302
Minibatch error: 0.0%
Validation error: 0.8%
Step 8500 (epoch 9.89), 13.5 ms
Minibatch loss: 1.623, learning rate: 0.006302
Minibatch error: 1.6%
Validation error: 0.9%
Test error: 0.8%
# Accounting: time=120 threads=1
# Finished at Wed Nov 16 14:34:39 CST 2016 with status 0
- 方法3、4、5实际执行任务的机器未知,因此要求把任务相关的程序和数据放在NFS共享目录下,对所有机器可见,具体包括:
- 任务相关的可执行程序和脚本。Python脚本的依赖库需要在所有机器上支持,C/C++程序连接的so文件需要在所有机器上存在且版本一致
- 输入文件和输出文件
- 当前目录。任务执行过程中需要在./qlog目录下写log文件
- 显卡资源紧张,尽量将不需要使用显卡的耗时操作独立出来(如数据预处理、后处理等等),只对必要的环节请求资源。
基本用法: queue [opts] <log-file> <your-command> [your-command-opts] [your-command-args]
完整用法:$ queue -h
- 实例1:运行其他需要GPU支持的程序
$ queue -l gpu=1 <a-gpu-required-program>
- 实例2: 内存需求较大的任务
$ queue -l ram_free=10G,mem_free=10G <a-memory-killer-program>
- 实例3:在x34上处理x32通过NFS共享过来的大量数据,指定使用x32计算,避免网络传输
$ queue -q x32.q -l ram_free=1G,mem_free=1G data-processer /home/share/my_big_data.dat /home/share/my_output.txt
###方法5: 多任务并行 把任务分成若干份,提交到Grid Engine,实现多机多核并行计算,最后汇总。 请求资源(每一份任务需要的资源)的方法同上。
基本用法: queue [opts] JOB=1:n <log-file-JOB> <your-command> [your-command-opts] [your-command-args]
完整用法:$ queue -h
- 实例:统计文本中词的总数
首先将文本数据分成7份:data/text/text.1.txt ~ data/text/text.7.txt, 在queue的参数中加入JOB=1:7,输入文件用data/text/text.JOB.txt表示,相应的log文件和输出文件名也要带上JOB加以区分
# wordcount.sh
sleep 20
cat $1 | wc -c
# wordcount_all.sh
queue JOB=1:7 ./qlog/wordcount.JOB.log ./wordcount.sh data/text/text.JOB.txt '>' data/text/wc_result.JOB.txt
cat data/text/wc_result.*.txt | awk '{s+=$1}END{print "Total word count is ",s}'
$ ./wordcount_all.sh
Job has been submitted. Use 'qstat' to track the state.
Now running...
(log files: ./qlog/wordcount.*.log)
Job finished.
Total word count is 34542473
$ qstat
job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 1
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 2
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 3
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 4
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 5
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 6
810088 0.50000 wordcount. chenzp r 11/16/2016 15:43:54 [email protected] 1 7
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep ^chen > ./user_chen.txt
$ tf 'cat /etc/passwd | grep ^chen > ./user_chen.txt'
$ tf cat /etc/passwd '|' grep ^chen '>' ./user_chen.txt
$ queue qlog/find_chen.log cat /etc/passwd '|' grep ^chen '>' ./user_chen.txt
$ cat ./user_chen.txt
chenzp:x:1001:1001:,,,:/home/chenzp:/bin/bash chenty:x:1003:1001:,,,:/home/chenty:/bin/bash
$ ./complicated.sh --op1 new_op1 --op2 "op2 with spaces" arg1_value "arg2 value with spaces"
op1 = new_op1 op2 = op2 with spaces op3 = default_op3 arg1 = arg1_value arg2 = arg2 value with spaces
$ tf './complicated.sh --op1 new_op1 --op2 "op2 with spaces" arg1_value "arg2 value with spaces"'
###request用法 请求独占本地资源
$ request -h
Usage: /home/share/bin/request [opts]
e.g.: /home/share/bin/request --mem 2G --time 180
--res <tensorflow|gpu> default: tensorflow
--time <time in minutes> default: 180
--mem <memory requested> default: 0M
###tf用法 执行TensorFlow相关任务,优先使用本地资源
$ tf -h
Usage: /home/share/bin/tf [opts] <command>
e.g.: /home/share/bin/tf --log mylog.txt sleep 60
--local-only <true|false> if true, only use local TensorFlow
(default: true)
--quiet <true|false> if true, only outputs of the user command will be output
(default: true)
--log <log-file-name> default: log/job_YYYYmmddHHMMSS.log
###check.sh用法 检查某机器tensorflow是否被占用
$ check.sh -h
Usage: /home/share/bin/check.sh [opts] [x22|x27|...|x34|x35, default: local]
e.g.: /home/share/bin/check.sh x35
--res <tensorflow|gpu> default: tensorflow
--wait <true|false> default: false
###queue用法 提交任务到Grid Engine,可以灵活请求资源,可以多机多核并行
$ queue -h
Usage: queue.pl [options] [JOB=1:n] log-file command-line arguments...
e.g.: queue.pl foo.log echo baz
(which will echo "baz", with stdout and stderr directed to foo.log)
or: queue.pl -q all.q@xyz foo.log echo bar | sed s/bar/baz/
(which is an example of using a pipe; you can provide other escaped bash constructs)
or: queue.pl -q all.q@qyz JOB=1:10 foo.JOB.log echo JOB
(which illustrates the mechanism to submit parallel jobs; note, you can use
another string other than JOB)
Note: if you pass the "-sync y" option to qsub, this script will take note
and change its behavior. Otherwise it uses qstat to work out when the job finished
--config <config-file> (default: conf/queue.conf)
--mem <mem-requirement> (e.g. --mem 2G, --mem 500M,
also support K and numbers mean bytes)
--num-threads <num-threads> (default: 1)
--max-jobs-run <num-jobs>
--gpu <0|1> (default: 0)
--tf <0|1> (default: 0)
- qstat 查看任务状态
- 列出我的任务
$ qstat
- 列出所有用户任务
$ qstat -u '*'
- 查看某任务信息
$ qstat -j <job-ID>
- 查看某资源在某机器上的信息
$ qstat -F tf -q x22.q
- 常见state:正在运行 (r)、等待中 (qw)、出错 (Eqw)、挂起 (s)
- qdel 删除任务
$ qdel <job-ID>
- qsub 提交任务(已封装进queue)
- qhost 查看所有机器状态(CPU、内存、交换区)
- 查看某机器的资源总量
$ qconf -se serverx22 | grep complex_values