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A modular, open-source search engine for our world.

Pelias is a geocoder powered completely by open data, available freely to everyone.

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What is Pelias?
Pelias is a search engine for places worldwide, powered by open data. It turns addresses and place names into geographic coordinates, and turns geographic coordinates into places and addresses. With Pelias, you’re able to turn your users’ place searches into actionable geodata and transform your geodata into real places.

We think open data, open source, and open strategy win over proprietary solutions at any part of the stack and we want to ensure the services we offer are in line with that vision. We believe that an open geocoder improves over the long-term only if the community can incorporate truly representative local knowledge.

Pelias Microservice Wrapper


Module that provides a convenience wrapper for calling Pelias microservices such as Placeholder or Point-in-Polygon Service over HTTP GET.


$ npm install pelias-microservice-wrapper


NPM Module

The pelias-microservice-wrapper npm module can be found here:


This module is primarily used in the Pelias API to call microservices. To add support for a microservice in the API, define a class that derives from ServiceConfiguration, override any methods, and inject into a service instance.

The ServiceConfiguration constructor accepts a string service name (returned by getName() and an object containing the three optional properties:

property required default description
baseUrl no none the base URL used for contacting a service, causes isEnabled() to return false when an empty string
timeout no 1000 the number of milliseconds a request should wait for a server response before timing out
retries no 3 the number of retries to attempt before returning an error

Requests are logged at the debug level when enabled in pelias-config.


const DemoServiceConfig = class extends ServiceConfiguration {
  constructor(configBlob) {
    super('demo microservice', configBlob);
  getUrl(req) {
    return this.baseUrl + '/demo';
  getParameters(req) {
    return {
      size: req.clean.size,
      offset: 0
  getHeaders(req) {
    return {
      'some-header': req.clean.some_header

const demoService = serviceWrapper(new DemoServiceConfig({
  url: 'http://localhost:1234'

const req = {
  size: 15,
  some_header: 'header value'

// pseudocode tests for illustration purposes
demoService.getUrl() === 'http://localhost:1234/demo';

demoService.isEnabled() === true

demoService.getParameters(req) === {
  size: 15,
  offset: 0

demoService.getHeaders(req) === {
  some_header: 'header value'


method override? returns description
getName not recommended value passed to constructor returns the name of the service
getBaseUrl not recommended url property of configuration passed to constructor base URL of microservice
isEnabled not recommended true if baseUrl is a non-empty string helper method for determining if the service should be considered enabled
getUrl yes value of getBaseUrl unless overridden used for appending other value to the baseUrl (but not request parameters)
getParameters yes {} unless overridden any request parameters to pass to the microservice
getHeaders yes {} unless overridden any request headers to pass to the microservice
getTimeout not recommended 1000 or value passed to constructor how long a request should wait for a server response before timing out
getRetries not recommended 3 or value passed to constructor how many attempts should be made before returning an error

Recommended ServiceConfiguration Method Overrides

The following methods can be overridden in an implementation of ServiceConfiguration:

method default return description
getUrl value of getBaseUrl used for appending other value to the baseUrl (but not request parameters)
getParameters {} any request parameters to pass to the microservice
getHeaders {} any request headers to pass to the microservice

It is not recommended to override any other methods.