- 2000 rules and 2000 users in 15 minutes
- 1000 rules and 10000 users in 60 minutes
- 1000 rules and 10000 users in 6 hours
From the root folder execute the following:
mvn clean package
docker run -d --name sample-drools -v $(pwd)/target:/opt/sample -v $(pwd)/src/main/resources/rules/:/opt/rules tifayuki/java:8 java -jar /opt/sample/drools-jar-consumer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
docker run -d --volumes-from=rules --link=mongo:mongo -e spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://mongo/test --name drools-consumer pedroxs/drools-consumer:0.1.0
Discover the container IP:
container_ip=`docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' sample-drools`
Use curl to verify:
❯ curl "http://${container_ip}:8080/version" -w "\n"
❯ curl "http://${container_ip}:8080/message" -w "\n"
❯ curl "http://${container_ip}:8080/rule?version=2" -w "\n"
Rule version 2 applied!
❯ curl "http://${container_ip}:8080/message" -w "\n"
{"text":"Hello new version!"}