A Multimodal Human-Computer-Interaction extractor for Android.
This tool is able to extract / monitor / track the interaction between the user and the system in multimodal Android environments.
In the downloadable version you can find the "MmiFacade.java" class that is composed of a set of methods that are called when some interaction event occurs. You can find in the repository an example project integrating this tool in an Android applications.
This tool was used in a real experiment to record multimodal interaction into a run-time model instance that can be used to implement both run-time --e.g. user monitoring in an infotainment vehicle system-- and off-line analysis --e.g. user interaction comparison using the same application in different Android-based devices--.
You can find further information and some tutorials in http://www.pedromateo.es/carim-experiment.html and http://www.catedrasaes.org