Meteor mobile application to create and track workouts
First you need to create a file: server/credentials-config.js
With the following:
facebookConfig = {
prod: {
appId: 'xxxxx',
secret: 'xxxxx'
dev: {
appId: 'xxxx',
secret: 'xxxx'
To get an app id and secret you need to create an app in your facebook developer account. You can follow the steps described in this blog post: ([].
meteor --port 3001
if you just did a reset to the database or you are starting the project it will fail the 1st time because of a Scss compiler error.
kill ps ax | grep '[m]eteor' | awk '{print $1}'
reset meteor
meteor deploy --delete meteor deploy
meteor build --server= ../build
keytool -genkey -alias workout-button -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 keytool -exportcert -alias workout-button -file hball.cer
Open a shell and cd to the android directory. The command used for signing the apk-file is
$ jarsigner -digestalg SHA1 unaligned.apk reactive-hball Once the file is signed, it needs to be aligned. Do that by issuing
$ ~/.meteor/android_bundle/android-sdk/build-tools/21.0.0/zipalign 4 unaligned.apk production.apk
because of this bug meteoric/meteor-ionic#130 I have the meteoric package locally. NOTE: Due to a current limitation of the Meteor packaging system, the above path may not exist the first time you run your Meteor app after installing this package. This will cause an error saying the file to import was not found. This may also occur if you run meteor reset. Restarting your app should fix this problem.
timer should always be shown
Show workout history
add mongol meteor add msavin:mongol # To easily view/edit published data in browser
put turn off scree on
Template.loginLayout.onDestroyed(function(){ $('body').removeClass('register-page'); });
turn off insecure package
remove appcache because it is not necessary for mobile apps... and it is not working
Add package for offline collections ground collections
add a way to create new exercises and workouts using the interface
meteor run android-device --mobile-server --port 3001
accounts-password added, version 1.1.1 accounts-ui added, version 1.1.5 accounts-ui-unstyled added, version 1.1.7 email added, version 1.0.6 less added, version 1.0.14 npm-bcrypt added, version 0.7.8_2 sha added, version 1.0.3 srp added, version 1.0.3
meteor add houston:admin
meteor add crosswalk
The code in this repository can be used under the MIT License.