Formatted for different runtimes, such as logging for google cloud projects using the right severity with a maximum of 1000 characters.
The different formats for the runtimes are written, using winston and can be found inside the lib/runtime
Logging is called by
e.g.'Text to Log', { key: 1 })
depending on the envrionment variable NODE_RUN
(process.env.NODE_RUN = 'cloud-function'
), it will result in different formats. Currently the following NODE_RUNs
/ formats are possible:
- local
- cloud-function
- cloud-logging
The default format is local (NODE_RUN = 'local'
) and the log is written into a single line on the local console, e.g.
2021-04-09T07:30:45.467Z - INFO -- Text to Log { key: 1 }
Logs into a structured logging format for google cloud functions. This is a stringified JSON containing serverity, message and timestamp.
See documentation:
- Severity:
- Strucutred log example:
- Structured log format
"severity": "INFO",
"message": "Text to Log { key: 1 }",
"timestamp": "2021-03-10T11:45:09.080Z"
and is logged as JSON.stringified:
{"severity": "INFO","message": "Text to Log { key: 1 }","timestamp": "2021-03-10T11:45:09.080Z"}
Is used inside compute instances for example, to send logs directly to the google cloud logging services. There is nothing to see inside the console. Google project and service account are the same as them who are running the process.