classifying beards of the champions
🏆 won 2nd place prize in the Intel Challenge at the Hackatum Hackathon 2018 (
First install openVINO (This works on Ubuntu 16 (!) or Windows 10 only.)
chmod -R user:name /opt/intel/
Create symlink to /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/deployment_tools/inference_engine/samples/
~/$ ln -s /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/deployment_tools/inference_engine/samples/ samples
- Create symlink to /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/deployment_tools
~/$ ln -s /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/deployment_tools dep
With symlinks we can now start the python script from samples folder. Notice worldbeard.mp4 as an example video file which has to be located in samples, too.
cd samples
python3 -m ../../intel_models/face-detection-retail-0004/FP32/face-detection-retail-0004.xml -i worldbeard.mp4 -l ~/dep/inference_engine/lib/ubuntu_16.04/intel64/