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Doc building for android

Brian Anderson edited this page Aug 2, 2013 · 20 revisions

These are preliminary build instructions for Android. Note that ARM and Android integration are still very early and incomplete. Some features do not work yet, and as such this information is primarily for hackers that want to work on the ARM port.

  1. setup android ndk standalone tool chain with platform=14 option

    Android NDK can be downloaded from

    example command to setup standalone tool chain:

     ~/android-ndk-r8d/build/tools/ --platform=android-14 --install-dir=/opt/ndk_standalone --ndk-dir=~/android-ndk-r8d

    In case of 64bit linux system, android ndk needs 32bit linux libraries.

     e.g) /lib32/, /usr/lib32/, /usr/lib32/

    You can simple install at Ubuntu System by

     apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6
  2. Download rustc from git repository

     git clone
  3. Configure with ndk toolchain path

     mkdir build; cd build
     ../configure --target-triples=arm-linux-androideabi --android-cross-path=[path of standalone toolchain dir]
  4. Build

     make install (Optional) 

    It will copy rustc binaries and libraries into /usr/local (or as defined with --prefix)

  5. How to cross compile

     rustc --target=arm-linux-androideabi --android-cross-path=[path of standalone toolchain dir]
  6. How to run on Android

    Remount your device for get the read/write permission on /system partition

     adb remount

    Push arm libs and Android GNU STL shared lib

     adb push NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/
     adb push /usr/local/lib/rustc/arm-unknown-android/ /system/lib
     adb push /usr/local/lib/rustc/arm-unknown-android/ /system/lib
     adb push /usr/local/lib/rustc/arm-unknown-android/ /system/lib
     e.g) adb push YOUR_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustc/arm-linux-androideabi/ /system/lib

    Push your binary

     adb push hello /system/bin
     chmod 777 hello

    Run using adb shell

     adb shell /system/bin/hello

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