My dot files as well as a variety of scripts to manipulate/use them. These work with MacOS and Ubuntu.
Run this one-off command to set up the github CLI + download this repo, all in one-shot. Maybe eventually this will kick off the config files installer?
curl -s | bash
⚠️ WARNING: This is all under construction, everything below this section is super outdated Next steps:
- Add polybar to this
- Create actual custom polybar
- No more manual lists in the install dotfiles script
- Figure out rofi theme
- Add support for creating .desktop files for things I like (such as obsidian)
- Add support for creating the graphical target for i3 (currently it's in the .bin folder of my laptop)
: My ZSHRC file. It uses Oh My ZSH as well as a variety of shell plugins for enhanced functionality- Oh My ZSH Custom Plugins:
- ZSH Autocomplete
- ZSH Syntax Highlighting
- Custom Plugin Autoupdate
- Powerlevel10k theme
: This will download and install Oh my ZSH (ZSH framework), PowerLevel10K (my theme of choice), and the following dependencies:diff-so-fancy
: Better diff viewinglsd
: Betterls
command, uses Nerdfont icons
: Standard tmux.conf file. Will automatically download plugin manager on first install- Tmux plugins: (coming soon)
I upgraded from Vim 8 to using Neovim. I overhauled my plugin selection and things should be much snappier.
The base file is neovim.vim
in the config
There also is coc-settings.json
for modifying the coc
auto-complete plugin.
- Lua: LuaFormatter
- Bash: Shellcheck + Bashfmt
: If you want to update any of the config files, change them in here. Changes are then tracked with VCS, and the script copies the new
: Sets up Vim from my vimrc reposetup_ubuntu
: Script I use for a fresh Ubuntu installscripts/
: Folder with misc shell scripts I use