This program solves the detector tomography problem for a phase-insensitive detector
and the conditions
It uses a two-stage approach based on a two-metric projected truncated Newton method and is parallelized with MPI and OpenMP. Scalability to hundreds of compute nodes and more than 100.000 CPU cores has been successfully demonstrated. Details are documented in the corresponding publication.
- a C compiler (e.g. gcc) and a Fortran compiler (e.g. gfortan) supporting OpenMP
- for the MPI version additionally an MPI implementation, e.g., OpenMPI
- adjust the build options in the
according to your system - run
make pqdts
for the OpenMP-parallelized version - run
make pqdts_mpi
for the MPI-and-OpenMP-parallelized version
The most convenient way of using the program is with the included Python wrapper
which supports input matrices (mpirun
, mpiexec
, srun
or others.
This wrapper has the following options:
usage: [-h] -P PMATRIX [-F FMATRIX] [-D DMAX] [-t THREADS] -p PQDTSPATH [-o OUTPUT] [-e EPSILON] [-g GAMMA] [-m MAXITER] [-T] [-b] [-d] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
path to npz file (scipy sparse) or npy file (numpy) of P matrix (dimension D x N)
path to npz file (scipy sparse) or npy file (numpy) of F matrix (dimension D x M)
-D DMAX, --Dmax DMAX truncate to D so that P is a D x N matrix
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
numper of OpenMP threads to use
path to compiled pqdts_omp.x
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file for povm as pickle
-e EPSILON, --epsilon EPSILON
convergence parameter of minimization
-g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
regularization parameter
-m MAXITER, --maxiter MAXITER
maximal number of iterations
-T, --timing measure timing for reconstruction, don't write output POVMs
-b, --benchmarkops measure timing for underlying operations
-d, --dryrun dry-run: only prepare inputs for pqdts
-v, --verbose be more verbose
The dependencies of the wrapper can be installed with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Without the Python wrapper, the command line arguments of pqdts_omp.x
and pqdts_omp_mpi.x
- size of first dimension of
$\varPi$ - size of second dimension of
$\varPi$ - size of first dimension of
$P$ - number of non-zero elements in
$F$ or -1 to calculate$F$ internally - number of non-zero elements in
$P$ - computation mode: 2 for two-metric projected truncated Newton method, 1 for projected gradient method
- maxiter: maximal number of iterations in stages
- output: 0 to disable output of the POVMs, 1 to enable output of POVMs at the end, 2 to enable output of POVMs after every minimization stage
- gamma: regularization parameter
$\gamma$ - epsilon: value of the convergence criterion
- index of stage to start with, i.e., 1 or 2
- 0 to start with the initial guess
$\varPi=1/N$ , 1 to read the output from a previous run as a starting point - smoothing distance factor
$N_s$ - benchmark underlying operations: 0 for no, 1 for yes
Without the Python wrapper, the programs pqdts_omp.x
and pqdts_omp_mpi.x
expect inputs (data
directory in the current working directory. The following files are expected:
row indices of elements in$P$ in Fortran binary format -
column indices of elements in$P$ in Fortran binary format -
values of elements in$P$ in Fortran binary format For$F$ in addition: -
row indices of elements in$F$ in Fortran binary format -
column indices of elements in$F$ in Fortran binary format -
values of elements in$F$ in Fortran binary format For details have a look at the routineread_sparse_from_python
and the Python
For reading in existing POVMs as a starting point for the minimization:
- files of the form
that were written by pqdts.
- stdout: progress information
: files containing the POVMs in Fortran file format of rankrank
after stageoiter
file containing timing information of the seperate stages and timed routines"status_"+rank+".out"
content of/proc/self/status
at the end of the program execution to retreive memory usage from high-water mark
The computation of the Wigner function for very high photon numbers is not possible with conventional implementations because it requires the representability of very large floating-point numbers that exceed the range of 64-bit double-precision. To be able to use arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers, we make use of the multiple dispatch feature of the Julia programming language. With this, the Wigner-function implementation of QuantumOptics.jl (, functions wigner
and _clenshaw
from can be generalized to arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers. Julia uses the GNU MPFR library for the BigFloat data type.
We have optimized the implementation for phase-insensitive detectors, i.e., diagonal density matrices and have trivially parallelized the computation because computations with arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers are much more cumbersome than with double-precision floating-point numbers.
A Julia installation is required to run the Wigner-programs. See for details. The Julia packages that the program depends on can be installed with julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
There are three variants:
: using conventional 64-bit floating-point numbers, useful for exploring the need for larger arbitrary-precision floating-point numberswigner_mpfr.jl
: using arbitrary-precision floating-point numberswigner_mpfr_mpi.jl
: using arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers and a trivial MPI-parallelization to scale to many CPU-cores/compute nodes. This variant needs to be run as an MPI program, e.g,mpirun julia --project=. wigner_mpfr_mpi.jl ...
The three variants take the following command line arguments
- input hdf5-file
- n: name of dataset in hdf5 file
- number of points to evualate the wigner function on in positive x-direction
- maximal x-argument for Wigner function
- precision: for
the bit size of the mantissa
The input HDF5 file is expected to have a one-dimensional data set named n
containing the POVM. It can be created with the following python script from
import h5py
#povm (Pi) is a MxN numpy matrix
hf = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
for i in range(N):
hf.create_dataset(str(i), data=mat[:,i])
The scripts plot the Wigner functions and store the plot as "n_"+(n)*"_M_"+(M)+"_precision_"+(precision)+".png"
. For plotting with Python the Wigner function is written as an HDF5-file n_"+(n)+"_M_"+(M)+"_precision_"+(precision)+".h5", "w")
with group name wigner
and data sets x
for the points on the x-axis and w
for the values of the Wigner function on these points.
This HDF5-file can be read in Python as follows:
import h5py
hf = h5py.File(filename, 'r')