This repo makes use of the following tech stack
- nextjs
- apollo client
- apollo server
- graphql codegen
- react hooks
- material ui
This repo uses graphql to manage the interface typings from client to server. In order to create a new route you must first create a new schema for the type. Once the schema is declared for your new type, you can create a new query or mutation to manage it.
Once you are done declaring your new GQL typings you can now run the generator that will create the clients and typings for your new schemas using
npm run generate
To run the project use npm run dev
We use prisma for database. To add or update ->
- update schema
- run migration
prisma migrate dev --name xxxxx
- update client
prisma generate
We use docker to create a local database. Download and install docker and docker compose on your local machine. Ensure the permissions are correct.
Then simply use docker-compose up -d
to start the database containers.