Payrails iOS SDK provides you with the building blocks to create a checkout experience for your customers.
pod 'Payrails/Checkout'
as the repository URL.
To enable Apple Pay in your app, you need to add the merchant ID in Signing & Capabilities
in your project's target's settings.
Use the Payrails
component to initialize a Payrails client context as shown below.
Async Await
import Payrails
private var payrails: Payrails.Session?
payrails = try await Payrails.configure(
with: .init(
version: version,
data: data,
option: .init(env: .dev)
Payrails.configure(with: .init(
version: version,
data: data,
option: .init(env: .dev)
)) { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case let .success(session):
self?.payrails = session
case let .failure(error):
Where data
is base64 string and version is SDK version, you both receive from your backend.
Once your SDK is initialized, it is now allowed to interact directly with Payrails from your client.
Payrails iOS SDK provides you buttons for Apple Pay, PayPal and Stored instuments (card buttons).
- Initialize Tokenization context:
private let applePayButton = ApplePayButton(
paymentButtonType: .checkout,
paymentButtonStyle: .black
applePayButton.onTap = { [weak self] in
// Make payment
private let payPalButton = PayPalButton()
payPalButton.onTap = { [weak self] in
// Make payment
private let cardButton = CardSubmitButton()
cardButton.onTap = { [weak self] in
// Make payment
Payrails iOS SDK allows you to easily check if particular payment is available:
applePayButton.isHidden = !payrails.isPaymentAvailable(type: .applePay)
payPalButton.isHidden = !payrails.isPaymentAvailable(type: .payPal)
Payrails iOS SDK allows you to easily perform payment using:
Async Await
import Payrails
Task { [weak self, weak payrails] in
let result = await payrails?.executePayment(
with: type, //.applePay or .payPal
saveInstrument: false, //set to true if you want to store payment
presenter: self
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch result {
case .success:
self?.log("Payment was successful!")
case .authorizationFailed:
self?.log("Payment failed due to authorization")
case .failure:
self?.log("Payment failed")
case let .error(error):
format: "Payment failed due to error: %@",
case .cancelledByUser:
self?.log("Payment was cancelled by user")
with: type, //.applePay or .payPal
saveInstrument: false, //set to true if you want to store payment
presenter: self) { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case .success:
self?.log("Payment was successful!")
case .authorizationFailed:
self?.log("Payment failed due to authorization")
case .failure:
self?.log("Payment failed (failure state)")
case let .error(error):
format: "Payment failed due to error: %@",
case .cancelledByUser:
self?.log("Payment was cancelled by user")
extension YourPaymentViewController: PaymentPresenter {
func presentPayment(_ viewController: UIViewController) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.present(viewController, animated: true)
Payrails iOS SDK allows you to retrieve and reuse stored payments:
payrails.storedInstruments.forEach { storedElement in
switch storedElement.type {
case .payPal:
let storedPayPalButton = PayPalButton()
storedPayPalButton.onTap = { [weak self] in
self?.pay(storedInstrument: storedElement)
private func pay(
storedInstrument: StoredInstrument
) {
Task { [weak self, weak payrails] in
let result = await payrails?.executePayment(
withStoredInstrument: storedInstrument,
presenter: self
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch result {
case .success:
self?.log("Payment was successful!")
case .authorizationFailed:
self?.log("Payment failed due to authorization")
case .failure:
self?.log("Payment failed (failure state)")
case let .error(error):
format: "Payment failed due to error: %@",
case .cancelledByUser:
self?.log("Payment was cancelled by user")
After initializing your payrails SDK. You get a session
object we use to interact with the payment controller.
There are 3 ways to integrate the Payrails SDK
- Drop-in: an all-in-one payment form to accept payments on your website.
- Elements: modular payment UI components you can assemble to build a modular payment form.
- Secure fields: secure input fields for PCI-compliant cardholder data collection. (not supported yet)
let controller = try? DropInViewController(configuration: .init(
initData: response,
option: .init(env: .dev)
Handle events by setting the callback function of your controller. Allowed result types:
Result | Description |
.authorizationFailed | Couldn't authroize the payment |
.cancelledByUser | User cancelled the execution |
.failure | Payment failed |
.success | Payment was successful |
.error | An error occured with error values here |
controller?.callback = { [weak self] result in
let message: String
switch result {
case .authorizationFailed:
message = "Authorization Failed"
case .cancelledByUser:
message = "Cancelled by user"
case .failure:
message = "Failure"
case .success:
message = "Success"
case let .error(error):
switch error {
case .invalidCardData:
message = "Error " + error.localizedDescription
The controller exposes the drop-in view object, you can render it by adding it as a subview to your view controller
Before we integrate our secure fields form you need to be fimiliar with the Card Element types.
Result | Description |
CARDHOLDER_NAME | Field type that requires Cardholder Name input formatting and validation |
CARD_NUMBER | Field type that requires Credit Card Number input formatting and validation |
EXPIRATION_DATE | Field type that requires Card Expiration Date input formatting and validation, format can be set through CollectElementOptions, defaul is MM/YY |
CVV | Field type that requires Card CVV input formatting and validation |
EXPIRATION_MONTH | Field type that requires Card Expiration Month formatting and validation (format: MM) |
EXPIRATION_YEAR | Field type that requires Card Expiration Year formatting and validation, format can be set through CollectElementOptions for YY, defaul is YYYY |
They can be accessed as follows:
let type = CardFieldType.CARDHOLDER_NAME
func buildCardView {
guard let payrails, // This is your Payrails.Session object
payrails.isPaymentAvailable(type: .card) else { return }
if let cardView = payrails.buildCardView(
with: .init(
style: .defaultStyle,
showNameField: true,
) {
} else {
log("Payment card is enabled but view was not generated")
You can pass a fieldConfigs
parameter to your view, allowing you to customize specific elements
let cardView = payrails.buildCardView(
with: .init(
style: .defaultStyle,
showNameField: true,
fieldConfigs: [
type: CardFieldType.CARDHOLDER_NAME,
placeholder: "Enter name as it appears on your credit card",
title: "Card holder name",
style: .defaultStyle
If you find any vulnerability in Payrails iOS SDK, do not hesitate to report them.
Send the disclosure to [email protected]
Describe the vulnerability.
If you have a fix, that is most welcome -- please attach or summarize it in your message!
We will evaluate the vulnerability and, if necessary, release a fix or mitigating steps to address it. We will contact you to let you know the outcome, and will credit you in the report.
Please do not disclose the vulnerability publicly until a fix is released!
Once we have either a) published a fix, or b) declined to address the vulnerability for whatever reason, you are free to publicly disclose it.