There is no Thread Thlintstone. Lintstone is a simple actor framework. nough said.
An actor only lives (is executed) if a message is sent to it. The message defines what the actor does. The message is given inside a context object for easy type handling. the context object is also used to respond or send messages to other actors. the context object is only valid for the one message object that it handles.
First you need to init the actorsystem. Since JAVA 21 the ActorSystem uses Virtual Threads internally. Each Actor runs on one virtual Thread and only gets active if a message is available.
LintStoneSystem system = LintStoneSystemFactory.create();
the system creates the actors
LintStoneActorAccess fileCollector = system.registerActor("fileCollector", () -> new FileCollector(cfg), ActorSettings.DEFAULT);
fileCollector.tell(FileCollector.fileMessage(root, readOnly));
() -> new FileCollector(cfg) is a factory for creating a FileCollector Actor. A FileMessage is created and sent to the actor.
The message is enqueued and eventually processed by the actor instance
public void newMessageEvent(LintStoneMessageEventContext mec) {
// scan dir = most often
.inCase(DirMessage.class, this::scanDir)
// a few files might be added
.inCase(FileMessage.class, (f, m) -> this.addFile(f.path, f.readOnly, m))
// all import received
.inCase(EndMessage.class, this::end)
// that shouldn't happen at all
.otherwise((a, b) -> System.out.println("" + a));
private void addFile(Path f, boolean readOnly, LintStoneMessageEventContext m) {
long length = f.toFile().length();
if (length == 0) {;
} else {
fileData += length;
final LintStoneActorAccess actor = actors.computeIfAbsent(length, k -> {
return m.registerActor("counter-" + length, () -> new FileComparator(length), ActorSettings.DEFAULT);
actor.tell(fileMessage(f, readOnly));
The actor delegates the content of the FileMessage to the addFile method. This method gets the size of the file and creates a FileComparator actor for this size (if not already exists). then it sends a new fileMessage to that actor.
It is also possible to ask an actor for a response. It is implemented in a way, that a consumer for the response is sent with the message. If the asked actor responds to the message, the consumer is called with the response:
- in the thread of the asking actor
- in the thread of the asked actor in case the ask was called from outside the actor system. This is a good way to get the result from the system in case of a multithreaded process.
for (String text : data) {
//finally ask for result
String v = dist.<String>ask(new EndMessage())
.get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
In some situations you create too many events and want to prevent to flood the system. Therefore the tellWithBackPressure method was introduced. It blocks the tell until the unprocessed message number is less than the given value.
for (String text : data) {
There is no ask with BackPressure (yet). Ask should be used at the end of batch and not in mass, because it is less effective
Be aware that if you send messages with backpressure in a circle you might cause deadlocks!
- create system with x actors.
- send 1000 messages to each actor
- finish and remove each actor
- wait until the result was sent to the final actor
- shutdown the system
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
JmhTest.run_____1_Actors thrpt 5 317127.717 ± 8029.515 ops/s
JmhTest.run_____2_Actors thrpt 5 547704.933 ± 8683.210 ops/s
JmhTest.run____10_Actors thrpt 5 1384233.070 ± 4930.434 ops/s
JmhTest.run____20_Actors thrpt 5 1727040.878 ± 117252.943 ops/s
JmhTest.run____30_Actors thrpt 5 1847566.975 ± 252653.978 ops/s
JmhTest.run___999_Actors thrpt 5 2073771.534 ± 140663.794 ops/s
JmhTest.run_50000_Actors thrpt 5 1813868.496 ± 90683.616 ops/s
A better test would be:
- setup the system before the benchmark
- send the 1000 messages to each actor
- ask each actor for the sum
- remove each actor
- shutdown the system after the benchmark