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Creating Puzzle - Coding Challenge

Welcome to the Mckinley & Rice Coding Challenge!


To complete this challenge, you will need to write a simple React web app, and provide us the source files to be built.

This challenge is expected to take about 2-4 hours.


15 Puzzle Challenge

This challenge is designed to help us understand how you write code. The execution is intentionally open and there's no one right way to solve it. Focus on the code as the visual appearance will not be under review.

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Create a tile puzzle interface that consists of a frame divided into even tiles with one tile missing. These tiles should then be randomised so that user interaction is required to resolve the original frame. Tiles may only be moved into the empty position.

Technology recommendations

  • ES6, React & SASS


  • Code quality (includes elegance, consistency & readability)
  • Usability (operates without error and responsive to browser/device)
  • Reusability (bonus points for any reusable elements)


Hierarchy of project

=> root
     |  |  
     |  |-->  favicon.ico
     |  |-->  index.html
     |  |-->  manifest.json
     |  |
     |  |--> App
     |  |    |
     |  |    |--> assets
     |  |    |--> sass
     |  |    |     |
     |  |    |     |--> mixins
     |  |    |     |--> utility
     |  |    |     |--> _variable.scss
     |  |    |     |--> _export_to_component.scss  it is exporting variable and mixins for use in seperate component
     |  |    |     |--> app-style.scss  //main style for application
     |  |    |--> component
     |  |          |
     |  |          |--> Board
     |  |          |--> Tile
     |  |          |--> Pages
     |  |
     |-> app.js
     |-> index.js
     |-> serviceWorkey.js // for handle PWA type of application

To run this project

Note: min node version required latest, React version required 16.8.6, NPM greater than 5.0

npm install

-After all modules successfully installed in local project.

npm run start


npm start

To build this project for production use

npm run build

-After build - check ./build directory inside root folder. This build directory has all the compiled files included. Take this folder and point your domain to build directory.

Styled with sass processor with scss extension

-For dynamic and re-usable css on particular component style, it is best practice to use sass processor

Detailed information about components

-Main Puzzle wrapper component
-path ./src/components/pages/Puzzle.js

import React from "react";
import Board from "../components/Board/Board";
import './_Puzzle.scss';
class Puzzle extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { board: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 0], size: 4 };

    newGame(size) {
        let board = new Array(size * size);
        for (let i = 0; i < size * size; ++i) board[i] = i;
        board = this.shuffle(board);
        this.updateBoard(board, size);
        this.setState({ size: size });

    //update board
    updateBoard(board, size) {
        this.setState({ board: board });

    shuffle= (array) =>{
        // const tempV = o.slice();
        let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;

        while (0 !== currentIndex) {

            // Pick a remaining element...
            randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
            currentIndex -= 1;
            // And swap it with the current element.
            temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
            array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
            array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
            return array;

    render() {
        return (
            <div className="page">
                <div className='wrap-pz'>
                    <div className="body-wrap">
                        <div className="header">
                            <h3>Finish puzzle</h3>
                            this.state && this.state.board ?
                                <Board size={this.state.size} board={this.state.board} updateBoard={this.updateBoard.bind(this)}/>
                                : null
                    <input type='submit' className={'btn'} value='Shuffle' onClick={this.newGame.bind(this, 4)} />


export default Puzzle;

-let's break above component class and it's methods here

  • class Puzzle extends React.Component {}

-- Initialize constructor for initial state of this game so when game is started it will be show default layout.

class Puzzle extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { board: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 0], size: 4 };

--Created newGame() method for refresh layout. It will take param to create board and add tiles in a row or column as per given size. ex: newGame(4)

//create new game or reset layout

    newGame(size) {
        let board = new Array(size * size);
        for (let i = 0; i < size * size; ++i) board[i] = i;
        board = this.shuffle(board);
        this.updateBoard(board, size);
        this.setState({ size: size });

-- Helper method to update state updateBoard() It is taking two parameters board and size

 //update board
    updateBoard(board, size) {
        this.setState({ board: board });

--When newGame(oldArray) executed make tiles will be shuffle with new position.

shuffle() method take old array and return new array with new index. So tiles will be change position when user click on shuffle button.

shuffle= (array) =>{
        // const tempV = o.slice();
        let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;

        while (0 !== currentIndex) {

            // Pick a remaining element...
            randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
            currentIndex -= 1;
            // And swap it with the current element.
            temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
            array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
            array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
            return array;


--Lets render main component. It has two more component Board and Tile it helps Puzzle component to handle user action.

render() {
        return (
            <div className="page">
                <div className='wrap-pz'>
                    <div className="body-wrap">
                        <div className="header">
                            <h3>Finish puzzle</h3>
                            this.state && this.state.board ?
                                <Board size={this.state.size} board={this.state.board} updateBoard={this.updateBoard.bind(this)}/>
                                : null
                    <input type='submit' className={'btn'} value='Shuffle' onClick={this.newGame.bind(this, 4)} />


It is possible that if we need more than 4X4 size of Puzzle

-Yes as component is created for dynamic use it should be handled by passing params to the newGame() method.
it is Easy

<input type='submit' className={'btn'} value='Shuffle' onClick={this.newGame.bind(this, 4)} />

Create Board Component to handle Board of Puzzle

-path ./src/components/Board/Board.js

import React from "react";
import Tile from "../Tile/Tile";
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import './_board.scss'
class Board extends React.Component {
    componentWillMount() {
        this.getClickables(this.props.board, this.props.size);

    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
        this.getClickables(nextProps.board, nextProps.size);

    shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
        const curr = this.props.board.join('');
        const next = nextProps.board.join('');
        return curr !== next;

    getClickables(board, size) {
        const zeroIndex = board.indexOf(0);
        const zeroCoordinate = this.getCoordFromIndex(zeroIndex, size);
        const possibleTopIdx = zeroCoordinate.row > 0 ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row - 1, zeroCoordinate.column, size) : null;
        const possiblRightIdx = zeroCoordinate.column < size ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row, zeroCoordinate.column + 1, size) : null;
        const possiblBottomIdx = zeroCoordinate.row < size ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row + 1, zeroCoordinate.column, size) : null;
        const possibleLeftIdx = zeroCoordinate.column > 0 ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row, zeroCoordinate.column - 1, size) : null;

            zero: zeroIndex,
            possibleTopIdx: possibleTopIdx,
            possiblRightIdx: possiblRightIdx,
            possiblBottomIdx: possiblBottomIdx,
            possibleLeftIdx: possibleLeftIdx

    getCoordFromIndex(idx, size) {
        return {row: Math.floor(idx / size) + 1, column: (idx % size) + 1};

    getIndexFromCoord(row, col, size) {
        return (size * (row - 1)) + col - 1;

    tileClickHandler(index) {
        if (index === this.state.possibleTopIdx || index === this.state.possiblRightIdx ||
            index === this.state.possiblBottomIdx || index === this.state.possibleLeftIdx) this.nextBoard(index);

    nextBoard(index) {
        const board = this.props.board.slice();
        const temp = board[index];
        board[index] = board[];
        board[] = temp;

    render() {
        const squares =, index) => {
            if ((index + 1) % this.props.size === 0) {
                return (
                    <Tile key={index} value={val} clickHandler={this.tileClickHandler.bind(this, index)}/>

            return <Tile key={index} value={val} clickHandler={this.tileClickHandler.bind(this, index)}/>;
        return (
            <div className='wrap-box'>

Board.propTypes = {
    size: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

export default Board;

#####Board class component --Let's break Board class Component and its methods.

Here we don't need any initial state to manage it self. So don't create useless Constructor.

-- This component is taking props from parent component which is Puzzle component. So we need to validate it's props type to get verified props from parent.

Board.propTypes = {
    size: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

-Create some methods inside Board component to manage runtime co-ordinates and events and update back Puzzle component.

Get Clickables element

-- It will be get clickable tile with its index and check position of all left,right,top and bottom elements around it. -- after get all details it will set new state for indexing.

getClickables(board, size) {
        const zeroIndex = board.indexOf(0);
        const zeroCoordinate = this.getCoordFromIndex(zeroIndex, size);
        const possibleTopIdx = zeroCoordinate.row > 0 ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row - 1, zeroCoordinate.column, size) : null;
        const possiblRightIdx = zeroCoordinate.column < size ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row, zeroCoordinate.column + 1, size) : null;
        const possiblBottomIdx = zeroCoordinate.row < size ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row + 1, zeroCoordinate.column, size) : null;
        const possibleLeftIdx = zeroCoordinate.column > 0 ? this.getIndexFromCoord(zeroCoordinate.row, zeroCoordinate.column - 1, size) : null;

            zero: zeroIndex,
            possibleTopIdx: possibleTopIdx,
            possiblRightIdx: possiblRightIdx,
            possiblBottomIdx: possiblBottomIdx,
            possibleLeftIdx: possibleLeftIdx

Separate method to get coordinates from index.

getCoordFromIndex(idx, size) {
        return {row: Math.floor(idx / size) + 1, column: (idx % size) + 1};

get index from coordinates

 getIndexFromCoord(row, col, size) {
        return (size * (row - 1)) + col - 1;

Add click event handler in this component and pass this event to Tile component.

 tileClickHandler(index) {
        if (index === this.state.possibleTopIdx || index === this.state.possiblRightIdx ||
            index === this.state.possiblBottomIdx || index === this.state.possibleLeftIdx) this.nextBoard(index);

Helper method to Update board when user click on any tile

nextBoard(index) {
        const board = this.props.board.slice();
        const temp = board[index];
        board[index] = board[];
        board[] = temp;

-let manage lifecycle when user did any action.
When component mounted execute helper method to check clickable tile this.getClickables(this.props.board, this.props.size);

-After mounted check runtime props from parent and update Board accordingly.

-Also check upcoming props is it same event. Compare and update it with shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {}

componentWillMount() {
        this.getClickables(this.props.board, this.props.size);

    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
        this.getClickables(nextProps.board, nextProps.size);

    shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
        const curr = this.props.board.join('');
        const next = nextProps.board.join('');
        return curr !== next;

Render Board Component

-- Now It will render tiles after all true.

render() {
        const squares =, index) => {
            if ((index + 1) % this.props.size === 0) {
                return (
                    <Tile key={index} value={val} clickHandler={this.tileClickHandler.bind(this, index)}/>

            return <Tile key={index} value={val} clickHandler={this.tileClickHandler.bind(this, index)}/>;
        return (
            <div className='wrap-box'>

Handle Single tile

-Create single Tile class component to handle each Tile event separately.

import React from "react";
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import './_tile.scss'
class Tile extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.tileRef = React.createRef();
        this.state = {
            width: '100%',
        this.handleSize = this.handleSize.bind(this)
    handleSize = ()=>{
        let elm = this.tileRef.current.clientWidth;
            height: elm+'px'
    render() {
        const {height} = this.state;
        const cls = this.props.value === 0 ? 'tile zero' : 'tile';
        return (
            <span style={{height:height, lineHeight:height}} ref={this.tileRef} className={cls} onClick={() => this.props.clickHandler()}>{this.props.value}</span>
Tile.propTypes = {
    value: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    clickHandler: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
export default Tile;

-Let's Break Tile Component rendering and its events or methods.

-Need to manage responsiveness so add state in constructor with ref of particular tile. Also need to bind method because Asynchronously it will update height of particular tile.

constructor(props) {
        this.tileRef = React.createRef();
        this.state = {
            width: '100%',
        this.handleSize = this.handleSize.bind(this)

-Also this component will share event to the parent and get index value form parent so need to check prop types to validate props.

Tile.propTypes = {
    value: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    clickHandler: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

-let's add resize event handler to this component to check width and set height to this Tile component.

Need to add event listener after component is initialized in dom. To work this event properly.

also Initially need to call handleSize() method to update Tile height.

    handleSize = ()=>{
            let elm = this.tileRef.current.clientWidth;
                height: elm+'px'

-Remove event listener after component will un-mount. If Don't remove listener it will get memory leak and app goes down.


-Now render Tile component

render() {
        const {height} = this.state;
        const cls = this.props.value === 0 ? 'tile zero' : 'tile';
        return (
            <span style={{height:height, lineHeight:height}} ref={this.tileRef} className={cls} onClick={() => this.props.clickHandler()}>{this.props.value}</span>

All good lets run the project and check it in your browser http://localhost:3000


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