Flipnotes is an online flash-card creator! Make your own study cards, assign them to specific decks, and use them to help you study any time!
- Visit FLIPNOTES to test it out! Create new decks, cards, and flip through to explore!
Fork and clone both the back-end and front-end repositories
Open the back-end repository and run "bundle install"
In the back-end, run rails db:dcms to drop/create/migrate/seed the database
In the back-end, run rails s to start up server
Open the front-end repository and open "index.html" in your favorite browser (chrome recommended)
Use the form to create a new flash card and assign it to a specific deck
To create a new deck to add cards to, use the form at the very top of the page
To add a new card, input your question and answer and assign it to a deck
Each card has a flip button to switch between the question and answer