A Python GUI for PATO as an alternative for the Maven command line.
First you probably need to clone PATO so you use its Maven POM files or other Maven POM files having them as parent.
This GUI would not have been possible without Gooey.
You need to install Mamba first.
I assume you have already make
Next start a new command prompt and set up a virtual Mamba (Conda) environment with Python and its modules installed:
$ make install
Needed for installing and running the PATO GUI. Please Google it if you don't know how to start a command prompt.
First please note that the dollar sign you will see below is the command line prompt sign and not a character you have to type. The command line prompt will differ between Operating Systems.
Clone the Git repo pato-gui first.
Go to the root folder and issue this command for more help:
$ make help
To run from the start where you can choose the POM and the config directory:
$ make pato-gui
Or setting up the virtual environment where pato-gui is installed:
$ mamba run -n pato-gui pato-gui
You can alias pato-gui
alias pato-gui='mamba run -n pato-gui pato-gui'
Get some help using the alias:
$ pato-gui -h
To build the executable:
$ make pato-gui-build
I assume that you have built the executable.
Launch it via:
$ <path to PatoGui>/PatoGui
A graphical interface will pop up.
If you know the Maven POM file already:
$ <path to PatoGui>/PatoGui <POM file>
From the command line:
$ <path to PatoGui>/PatoGui -h
And in the left top corner of the GUI screen there is a Help button.
These links have been helpful to convert a setuptools based project to Poetry.
- using python-poetry to publish to test.pypi.org
- Poetry Read The Docs
- Migrating a project to Poetry
- Convert Python requirements to Poetry format
- Specify docs dependency groups with Poetry and Read the Docs
- Convert a Poetry package to the src layout
- Use poetry to create binary distributable with pyinstaller on package?
- Setup Guide for Poetry Dev Environment on Apple Silicon.