This is a GitHub theme for Mac OS X Lion (10.7.x)
To use, double-click the GitHub.terminal file.
To customize, with in the foreground ⌘,
or Terminal → Preferences... .
Normal Black: #000000
Bright Black: #878675
Normal Red: #BF2B3D
Bright Red: #BF2B3D
Normal Green: #28696A
Bright Green: #28696A
Normal Yellow: #FEF09C
Bright Yellow: #FEF09C
Normal Blue: #344473
Bright Blue: #344473
Normal Magenta: #791813
Bright Magenta: #793C8B
Normal Cyan: #3691A0
Bright Cyan: #3691A0
Normal White: #878675
Bright White: #EFEFEF
Background: #FEFFFE
Text: #000000
Bold Text: #000000
Selection: #AACBFC
Cursor: #878675