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Notes on learning Backbone.js from Railscasts episode #323 and #325

Getting my head around Backbone.js architecture.

So far I've got an idea for Backbone through Codeschool's Anatomy of Backbone 1 & 2. Working alongside these 2 Railscasts has been a great next step.

  1. Main Backbone app window.Raffler
    The main app file. Namespaces our backbone app. Initializes it. Initialization means that it starts the history and instantiates router.

  2. Entries router Raffler.Routers.Entries
    Sets routes. Fetches collections or models. When the route is called, the router instantiates a view, passing the collection into it, and rendering it into the DOM via the #container div.

  3. Entries view Raffler.Views.EntriesIndex
    Specifies a template. Renders that template with the data that was passed from the router, placing the rendered contents in view's el property.
    In @collection.on('reset', @render, this), reset would not get fired by @collection.fetch() anymore as of Backbone 1.1 (see change log). The quickest fix is to use Collection.fetch({ reset: true }).

  4. template JST['entries/index']

     <% for entry in @entries.models: %>
       <li><%= entry.get('name') %></li>
     <% end %>
  1. Creating resources
    Creating resources starts with an html form. We listen for the event from the view. When a users clicks 'Add' or presses Enter on the form with form id #new_entry, the event triggered is 'submit #new_entry'. The view's events hash routes this event to a function we call CreateEntry, which takes the argument event.

  2. CreateEntry: (event) ->
    Create the new resource via its collection with @collection.create, giving it the params grabbed from the element name: $('#new_entry_name').val().

  3. Updating the view
    Update the view by listening to the collection for its 'add' event. @listenTo(@collection, 'add', @appendEntry). The appendEntry function instantiates a new Raffler.Views.Entry, passing it the newly created resource before appending the new view into the #entries element in its own el.

    I'm not sure exactly why, but there is an issue with context here, and appendEntry needs to have an explicit this context provided. In Coffee this is done by defining the function with the fat arrow =>. In plain js, this is passed as the last argument.

  4. Updating the view - a refinement
    Here we want to be able to append a new item rather than re-render the entire view when the item is added. First we make a new view and a new template for an individual entry.
    In the index view's render function, we loop through the collection and call appendEntry for each one.

  5. Passing server side validations to the front-end
    Collection.create has callback hooks for success and error. On success, we reset the form to clear the old input value. On error, we call handleError to display the server's error message on the DOM. To do this, first we check response.status == 422, then we use jQuery's $.parseJSON to get the message values and add them to an #error div.
    There remains an issue that the collection's add event has already been fired before server validations have returned, and appendEntry has been called with an empty model. To prevent this, we add the param wait: true on Collection.create.

  6. Drawing a winner
    Put the click listener in the EntriesIndex view's events hash.
    'click #draw': 'drawWinner'
    @drawWinner calls drawWinner function on the collection @collection.drawWinner()
    In the collection we shuffle() the contents and grab the first one to be our winner, updating its attributes to winner: true.
    We update so that if winner: true, we'll add 'WINNER' next to the entry's name, and we'll put a class on it so we can style it or highlight it later.

      <% if @entry.get('winner'): %>
        <span class="winner">WINNER</span>
      <% end %>

    The : added to the end of the if statement is for dealing with Coffee's whitespace sensitivity.

  7. Updating the view with 'winner'
    In the entry view, we listen to the model for its change event to trigger its render function with the updated model.

  8. Highlighting the latest winner
    After updating the winner model, we'll trigger a custom event.
    Returning to the Entry view, we listen to the model for that 'highlight' event to call our highlightWinner function.
    @highlightWinner then calls addClass(.highlight) on the latest winning entry (and removeClass(.highlight) on any other winners in the DOM.)

  9. Refining and refactoring
    The drawWinner function, defined on the collection class, makes several calls on the winner model, so we refactor that code into the Entry model instead. For this to work, the collection class must have the model hash defined and pointing to Raffler.Models.Entry.

  10. Bootstrapping
    We currently call fetch() on the collection after instantiating it in the router, causing an additional call to the server. To reduce that to a single call, we can put the JSON data in the DOM instead using a html5 data attribute. To get the data into the DOM, we use this code in the Rails view:
    <%= content_tag 'div', 'Loading...', id: 'container', data: { entries: Entry.all } %>
    Then in the router, after constructing our collection we can call @collection.reset($('#container').data 'entries') instead of .fetch().
    For this refinement to work, we need to tweak our appendEntry function in the collection. Written this way: $('#entries').append(view.render().el), the code does not work because appendEntry is getting called before the #entries container has been inserted into the DOM. We have to add an @ to the start of that line so that it looks inside its el for the #entries container instead of trying to find it in the DOM. Lesson in scoping: Go through the view, not the DOM. There is still another scope issue because appendEntry is called from @collection and not @, therefore the scope of this is changed in appendEntry. Hence, appendEntry needs to be defined with a fat arrow.

Other things learnt along the way

  • Inspecting server response errors in Chrome.
    Developer Tools -> Network Click on 4xx response, preview tab.
    Why did that take so long to figure out?!

  • Resetting forms with jQuery.
    Ryan Bates used the jquery syntax:

    Standard Javascript syntax:

    jQuery blog suggests



Notes from Railscasts Backbone on Rails






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