A java library to communicate to ExtPlane-Plugin so it can be used to write java software that make use of X-Plane DataRefs.
Copyright (C) 2015 Pau G.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
To build the jar you will need Maven (https://maven.apache.org/).
Download the project, move to the pom.xml folder and run "mvn package".
- Install ExtPlane-Plugin in your X-Plane.
- Before start using the interface you have to run your X-Plane.
The main entrance to the interface is at org.cutre.soft.ExtPlaneInterface. Instantiate the interface passing the XPlane IP and the port 51000.
ExtPlaneInterface iface = new ExtPlaneInterface("localhost", 51000);
Calling start() will connect to ExtPlane-Plugin and will get ready to receive DataRefs.
ExtPlane-Plugin requires to subscribe dataRefs to receive their data. So, you have to say to ExtPlane-Plugin what dataRefs have to send.
// Include dataRefName with standard accuracy
// Include dataRefName with custom accuracy
With accuracy you can decide how much the dataref's value can change before a update is sent. Set it to as large value as possible to maximize frame rate and minimize network traffic.
To stop getting a dataRef just call,
Once connected to ExtPlane-Plugin and having subscribed to one or more dataRefs, it's time to get their values.
To get dataRefs you may,
- Get DataRef value by calling,
This will return a String array with the dataRef value. To get dataRef data type's, call
This will return a DataRefType enum with the right data type,
public static enum DataType {
- Get dataRef object by calling,
This will return a DataRef object.
- Get DataRef object implementing an org.cutre.soft.util.Observer object,
Observer<DataRef> s = new Observer<DataRef>() {
public void update(DataRef object) {
iface.observeDataRef(dataRefName, s);
Every time we get a new dataRefName value from the sim we will call the update method. To stop receiving updates just call,
iface.unObserveDataRef(dataRefName, s);
It is possible to set a new value to a DataRef calling,
iface.setDataRefValue(altimeterSettingDataRefName, "30.0");
iface.setDataRefValue(engintThrottleDataRefName, new String[] {"1.0", "1.0", "1.0", "1.0", "1.0", "1.0", "1.0", "1.0"});
Setting dataRef values, pressing a button or a key are messages send to ExtPlane-Plugin.
: allow pushing/releasing a sim button,
// Push a button
iface.sendMessage(new ButtonCommand(ButtonCommand.ButtonAction.PRESS, buttonId));
// Release a button
iface.sendMessage(new ButtonCommand(ButtonCommand.ButtonAction.RELEASE, buttonId));
: allows sending a DataRef message to the plug-in:
// Subscribe to a dataRef
iface.sendMessage(new DataRefCommand(DataRefCommand.DATAREF_ACTION.SUBSCRIBE,dataRefName));
// Sets a dataRef value
iface.sendMessage(new DataRefCommand(DataRefCommand.DATAREF_ACTION.SET, dataRefName, value))
// Unsubscribe a dataRef
iface.sendMessage(new DataRefCommand(DataRefCommand.DATAREF_ACTION.UNSUBSCRIBE,dataRefName));
: send an ExtPlane-Plugin config command,
// Press a key
iface.sendMessage(new ExtPlaneCommand(ExtPlaneCommand.EXTPLANE_SETTING.UPDATE_INTERVAL, interval));
: send a key press to the a sim,
// Press a key
iface.sendMessage(new KeyCommand(keyId));
List of key and button id's can be found at: http://www.xsquawkbox.net/xpsdk/mediawiki/XPLMUtilities Note that the key and button id's are numbers, not names. X-Plane does not provide a way to lookup keys or buttons by name.