An Android plugin for Godot 3.5+ that allow you to open the native file dialog and choose a file. This file will be copied to user://_temp/original_file_name
. After you are finished, you have to delete the temporary file yourself.
Note Argument cannot be
. See a list of common MIME types.
openFilePicker(mimeType: String) -> void
file_picked(String temp_path, String mime_type)
var android_picker
func _ready() -> void:
if Engine.has_singleton("GodotFilePicker"):
android_picker = Engine.get_singleton("GodotFilePicker")
android_picker.connect("file_picked", self, "_on_file_picked")
func _on_Button_pressed() -> void:
# Call the file picker (with the specified type)
func _on_file_picked(temp_path: String, mime_type: String) -> void:
print("Temporary path: " + temp_path)
print("Mime type: " + mime_type)
# Here you read the file or copy it to another directory
# Now you can delete the temporary file
var dir =