Xiphos Board 1.0 created by Darron Baida for the Cal Poly Robotics Club Software developed by Patrick J. McCarty
Migrated from http://code.google.com/p/cprc-xiphos since Google Code is shutting down.
This project contains the user library, sample applications, bootloader, datasheets, and other documentation for the Xiphos Board created by Darron Baida primarily for the Cal Poly Robotics Club. Though targeted towards Xiphos users, some of the code may be useful for other AVR microcontrollers.
All microcontroller code is written in C, using the avr-libc library.
A few parts of the library are derived from code written by Dr. John Seng for the PolyBot Board. The bootloader is a customized version of the "AVRPROG compatible bootloader for ATMEL ATmega Controllers" written by Martin Thomas, version 0.85 (Dec 3, 2008).
Darron's old website: http://roboaddict.com