- encoder.c: H264 encoder
- output.c: generate mkv output
- input.c: reads NV12 input from stdin or optional frame file
- main.c: overall encoder control
Both static and dynamic versions are built. The static version can be run on both armel and armhf distributions.
Sample usage:
avconv -i <input_video_file> -vf pad="trunc((iw+31)/32)*32" \
-pix_fmt nv12 -f rawvideo pipe: |
simpleencoder.static -s <width>x<height> [-o <output_file>]
With previous converted raw video files:
avconv -i <input_video_file> -vf pad="trunc((iw+31)/32)*32" \
-pix_fmt nv12 -f rawvideo <output_raw_video_file>
If the end of the raw file name is as:
Can be used as follows:
simpleencoder.static <output_raw_video_file> [-o <output_file>]