GlslViewer 3.0.8
What changed:
- Add macOS build/release action by @KernelEquinox in #308
- Thanks for the heads up @willstall for those nasty silent failing buffers errors
- Adding drag&drop files for vertex/fragment shaders, geometry (PLY/OBJ/GLTF/LST), HDR cubemap, images and videos
- Adding some key events to show/hide some properties:
- a (axis)
- b (bounding boxes)
- s (skymap)
- i (info)
- f (floor)
- o (open shader on your default editor)
- p (passes)
- g (grid)
- SPACE_BAR (to stop/start video streams)
- etc
**Windows Note:**To use the Windows build, please download [FFmpeg 4.4][ffmpeg] and copy bin\*.dll
alongside glslViewer.exe