Orange money api for java
- JDK 11 or higher.
- Apache Maven 3.3.9 or higher
- subscription via Orange Partner portal
If you use Maven, add the following configuration to your project's pom.xml
or, if you use Gradle
, add the following line to your build file:
implementation 'io.github.pathus90:om4j:1.0.0'
Orange Money Web Payment API requires an Access token, based on your developer credentials (client id and client secret).
OrangeMoney orangeMoney = new OrangeMoney("dev");
TokenResponse tokenResponse = orangeMoney.getAccessToken(CONSUMER_KEY);
NOTE: CONSUMER_KEY is in Authorization header
OrangeMoney orangeMoney = new OrangeMoney("dev");
TokenResponse tokenResponse = orangeMoney.getAccessToken("XXXclientId","XXXsecretId");
For production your need to set your target country code in as enviroment
OrangeMoney orangeMoney = new OrangeMoney("gn");
TokenResponse tokenResponse = orangeMoney.getAccessToken("");
fromivory coast
public enum Environment {
If your country is not listed below, and Orange Money is available in it, please consider updating this enum class by adding your country and submitting a merge request.
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "IW3gdUVOvQVcO7mGNsOZgwdhDNvE",
"expires_in": "3600"
NOTE: The access_token is valid for the duration, in seconds, specified by expires_in. Therefore, you do not need to requestBody a new access token as your client application doesn't receive an error indicating that your access token expired. At the present time, access_token have a lifetime of about 60 minutes. If your token is expired, you just have to get a new token by the same method.
This API allows you to create a payment session in the Orange Money system. A payment transaction will be created based on the information provided in your requestBody and a Payment Token
will be returned in the API response.
WebPaymentRequest webPaymentRequest = WebPaymentRequest.builder()
WebPaymentResponse webPaymentResponse = orangeMoney.initPayment(webPaymentRequest, "ACCESS_TOKEN");
webPayment method automatically call getToken and set it in requestBody header.
In addition to Transaction Notification, you can use the Transaction Status API that allows you to consult in real-time the current status of a payment. In practice, this can be useful for cases where notification are not sent (e.g. when users don’t validate their payments)
WebPaymentRequest webPaymentRequest = WebPaymentRequest.builder()
StatusRequest statusRequest = StatusRequest.builder()
StatusResponse statusResponse = orangeMoney.getTransactionStatus(statusRequest, "ACCESS_TOKEN");
"status": "SUCCESS",
"order_id": "MY_ORDER_ID_08082105_0023457",
"txnid": "MP150709.1341.A00073"
The status could take one of the following values: INITIATED; PENDING; EXPIRED; SUCCESS; FAILED
- INITIATED waiting for user entry
- PENDING user has clicked on “Confirmer”, transaction is in progress on Orange side
- EXPIRED user has clicked on “Confirmer” too late (after token’s validity)
- SUCCESS payment is done
- FAILED payment has failed
If the transaction is not tried (the customer doesn’t do anything or returns on Merchant site), the status stays in INITIATED state. By default, the token’s validity is 10 minutes. The passage from PENDING state to SUCCESS or FAILED state is rapid.
HTTP Code | API Code | Message | Description | Comments |
403 | 50 | Forbidden access to the API | Access denied by ACL | 'Unauthorized Access Layer' or 'Unauthorized applicationId' or ‘Unauthorized country’ |
403 | 1201 | Forbidden access to the API | Forbidden transaction | You are not allowed to do this action |
403 | 1202 | Forbidden access to the API | Invalid merchant key | Your merchant key is wrong. You need to check it |
403 | 1203 | Forbidden access to the API | Unauthorized currency for this country | Check the currency you put in your request |
403 | 1204 | Forbidden access to the API | Order Already exists | The order_id must be unique in the system. Only one Token per order_id |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Any issues, please report here