Command-line testing tool which submits specified file to ATD and saves a report based on analysis results.
The report is saved to <original_file_name>
Example: -a -u atduser -p atdpass -t pdf -f calc.exe.
This will submit calc.exe for analysis and save the respective pdf report to calc.exe.atd.pdf.
Proxy along with optional username/password can be specified through HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY environment variable.
The tool uses atdlib module.
Executable version is available in dist folder.
Sample batch file is available in dist folder.
usage: ATDClient.exe [-h] -a ATDHOST -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -f FILENAME
[-r | -R] [-t {pdf,html,txt,xml,zip,json,ioc,stix}]
ATD Client v.2.1. (c) Valeriy V. Filin ([email protected]), 2016.
Submits a sample file to ATD and gets the report back.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ATDHOST, --atdhost ATDHOST
ATD hostname or IP to use for file submission.
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
ATD username to authenticate with.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
ATD user password to authenticate with.
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
Path of a target file to be submitted.
-r, --reanalyze Flag: force reanalyze file even if previously scanned
-R, --no-reanalyze Flag: no force reanalyze
-t {pdf,html,txt,xml,zip,json,ioc,stix}, --reptype {pdf,html,txt,xml,zip,json,ioc,stix}
Report type to be generated. Defaults to pdf.
-c CMDCHSET, --cmdchset CMDCHSET
Charset to use when decoding cmd line arguments. Defaults to utf-8. Other options: latin1, cpXXX, cpYYYY, isoXXXX_YY, etc.
To get detailed analysis report avoid submitting archive files. Proxy along with optional username/password can be specified through HTTPS_PROXY environment variable: e.g. "HTTPS_PROXY=http://bob:P@[email protected]:3128/" or "HTTPS_PROXY=".