Huawei devices have enabled by default a battery safe mode called 'Protected Apps'. Freshly installed apps are flagged by default (if not popular enough) as 'not protected'. This feature prevents the apps from receiving push notifications (GCM, FCM, ...) in background. This module allows showing a customized dialog to alert the user over that issue from Huawei allowing him to navigate directly to the corresponding settings activity.
This Module cannot detect if the user has already enabled protected mode for the app. The dialog will be shown under the following conditions:
- intent 'com.huawei.systemmanager/com.huawei.systemmanager.optimize.process.ProtectActivity' is callable
- "Do not show again" checkbox hasn't been checked yet
It is not necessary to check for Platform.OS === 'android'
as the module wrapper does this for you already
npm install --save react-native-huawei-protected-apps@latest
react-native link react-native-huawei-protected-apps
import HuaweiProtectedApps from 'react-native-huawei-protected-apps';
const config = {
title: "Huawei Protected Apps",
text: "This app requires to be enabled in 'Protected Apps' in order to receive push notifcations",
doNotShowAgainText: "Do not show again",
positiveText: "PROTECTED APPS",
negativeText: "CANCEL"
Special thanks to and his post on