These clients all do the same thing. The only difference is the language.
Read the README within each language's folder for specific instructions.
These clients do the following:
- Accept a team name, password, match token, and game server hostname
- Connect to the game server using ZeroMQ with the host name specified
- Send a MatchConnect command using the team name, password, and match token specified
- Receive the server's response to the MatchConnect command and parse the client token from it
Within these clients you're shown how to:
- Connect to ZeroMQ
- Create ZeroMQ sockets
- Set a ZeroMQ subscription on a publish/subscribe socket
- Create JSON messages
- Send a message to the game server
- Receive a message from the game server
- Parse a JSON message
What to do next:
- Start receiving and parsing game state messages from the publish/subscribe socket
- Create an algorithm and send game moves back to the server
Good luck!