Mogan Editor / 墨干编辑器
Let us enjoy exploring science and technology!
Mogan Editor is a structure editor delivered by Xmacs Labs. We are dedicated to make Mogan Editor the most user-friendly distribution of GNU TeXmacs.
Windows, macOS, Ubuntu and UOS installers are officially provided. Packages for other OS (eg. Arch Linux, OpenSUSE, GNU Guix) are maintained by the community.
- Download now via Installation Guide
- Try online via the Experimental WASM port
Mogan Editor is one of the GNU TeXmacs distribution.
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- Watch the following video to learn what is GNU TeXmacs (Mogan Editor) in 5 minutes
- Read the book to learn GNU TeXmacs (Mogan Editor) in a systematical way
The Jolly Writer is the only systematic and detailed official TeXmacs textbook available. Please click here to download for free or make a donation.
Please review the Contribution guide for information on how to get started contributing to Mogan Editor.