With orgco you can convert Emacs’ orgmode to other formats.
Supported output formats:
- reStructuredText (rst)
Supported orgmode tags:
- headers
- code (inline and multi-line)
- lists (ordered, unordered and definition lists)
- tables
- links (external and images)
- italic, bold, underlined, stroked markups
To use orgco install it from PyPI:
$ pip install orgco
Orgco provides 2 simple functions to convert orgmode to html (convert_html()
) and rst (convert_rst()
from orgco import convert_html
with open('my_orgmode.org') as f:
html = convert_html(f.read())
The HTML converter takes some optional parameters:
: To decide if the output should only contain the inner body or act as a normal HTML file with header and body.highlight=True
: To enable code highlighting.includes=['style.css']
: To include some additional CSS files.
Orgco comes also with a command line tool:
usage: orgco.py [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -f FORMAT [--header] [--highlight]
[--includes INCLUDES [INCLUDES ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
--includes INCLUDES [INCLUDES ...]
Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Friedrich Paetzke ([email protected]). All rights reserved.