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PCIC Climate Explorer

Node CI Docker Publishing Code Climate

Front end interface for the PCIC Climate Explorer. Node, React.js, Webpack, Babel, ES6+.


Node.js = 22.x.x (important)

All other package requirements are specified in package.json. And their specific versions in the package-lock.json.

We strongly recommend using nvm to manage your node/npm install. In particular, you will have trouble finding later versions of Node.js in standard Linux installs; nvm however is up to date with all recent releases.

Devcontainer files are provided in .devcontainer to facilitate these requirements using that development environment.

Note: Avoid snap packages. Experience to date suggests it does not result in stable, reliable installations.


Environment variables

Main configuration of the Climate Explorer frontend is done via environment variables.

In a Create React App app, environment variables are managed carefully. Therefore, most of the environment variables below begin with REACT_APP_, as required by CRA.

CRA also provides a convenient system for setting default values of environment variables in various contexts (development, production, etc.).

Brief summary:

  • .env: Global default settings
  • .env.development: Development-specific settings (npm start)
  • .env.production: Production-specific settings (npm run build)

For more details, see the CRA documentation).

Environment variables for configuring the app are:


  • Base URL for CE frontend app.
  • For production, set this to the URL for CE configured in our proxy server.
  • WARNING: The path component of this value MUST match REACT_APP_CE_BASE_PATH (see below).


  • Base path of the URL for the CE frontend app;
  • For production, set this to the path component of the URL for CE configured in our proxy server.
  • WARNING: This MUST match the path component of PUBLIC_URL (see above).


  • Current version of the app.
  • This value should be set using when the Docker image is built (see below).
  • It is not recommended to manually override the automatically generated value when the image is run.
  • No default value for this variable is provided in any .env file.


  • Publicly accessible URL for backend climate data.


  • Tilecache URL for basemap layers.


  • ncWMS URL for climate layers.


  • Ensemble name to use for backend requests.


  • Type of identifier used by the app in requests for map climate layers.
    • Value dynamic selects the dynamic dataset identifier type. A dynamic dataset identifier is formed by prefixing the value of REACT_APP_MAP_LAYER_ID_PREFIX to the filepath of the dataset (obtained from the metadata).
    • Any other values selects static (preconfigured) dataset identifier type. A simple dataset identifier is the unqiue_id of the dataset (obtained from the metadata).


  • Prefix used to form a dynamic dataset identifier, if requested. (See item above.)


  • Path within the public folder of the variable options file.


  • Path within the public folder of the external text file.


Variable options

A certain amount of configuration of the app is accomplished through the variable options file, which is a YAML file stored at a location specified by the environment variable REACT_APP_VARIABLE_OPTIONS. The source for the default version of this file is at ./public/variable-options.yaml.

For documentation on the contents of this file, see the comments at the head of the file.

See Production section below for information on "live updating" this file.


This project is now based on Create React App. Originally it was a manually managed Webpack/Babel project, but, for a variety of reasons you can read about in issue 297, we "rebased" it on CRA.


You must use a version of npm >= 5.5.1. This version of npm comes with node 9.2.0. If you are using nvm, then run nvm use 9.2.0 (or higher; ver 11.13 works fine too).

(npm 5.5.1 / node 9.2.0 is known to work; npm 3.5.2 / node 8.10.0 is known to fail to install certain required dependencies. Intermediate versions may or may not work.)

Currently reccomended version is node 16.x and npm 8.x

With the appropriate versions of node/npm in use:

npm install

If you need to start fresh after much messing about, the reinstall script deletes ./node_modules/ and then installs:

npm run reinstall

Running (dev environment)

npm start

For building a production app, see below.


npm test


Linting is handled by Prettier. Prettier can be run directly from the command line or using the two aliased commands from the package.json; npm run lint and npm run format. lint will check code for errors, format will automatically fix those errors.

Prettier is also installed as a pre-commit hook as per instructions here using "Option 1. lint-staged".



Github Actions

The workflows setup in actions will automatically build, tag and publish to our docker hub.

Configuration, environment variables, and Docker

It is best practice to configure a web app externally, at run-time, typically using environment variables for any simple (atomic, e.g., string) configuration values.

Here we run into a problem introduced by CRA: CRA injects environment variables only at build time, not at run time. "The environment variables are embedded during the build time. Since Create React App produces a static HTML/CSS/JS bundle, it can’t possibly read them at runtime.".

We containerize our apps with Docker. A natural approach to deploying apps with Docker is to build the app as part of the image build, and then just serve it from a container. However, because of CRA's build-time injection of environment variables, this means that such Docker images cannot be configured at run-time, that is, when a container is run. Only static, build-time environment variables are available to CRA apps inside such images.

It therefore takes some extra effort to inject run-time environment variables (or configuration generally) into these Dockerized applications. There are two basic approaches:

  1. Build the app, and inject run-time environment variables, as part of the image run (i.e., the command run by the image includes building the app, which then has access to environment variables provided via the docker run command). * This is simple but it means that containers are slow to start up and contain a lot of infrastructure (Node.js, etc.) needed to build the image. This isn't an issue for us, because we don't start many instances and we don't do it often.

  2. Fetch the environment variables (or a configuration file) from the server.

    • This approach has several variants, which are outlined in this CRA issue.
    • The way we load the external text and variable options files falls under into this category.

A key requirement is to be able to configure at run time the the URL at which the app is deployed. CRA provides a (build-time) environment variable for this, PUBLIC_URL. (Climate Explorer also, as a legacy from pre-CRA versions, uses an overlapping environment variable REACT_APP_CE_BASE_PATH. See Configuration > Environment variables, above.)

Option 2 makes setting PUBLIC_URL much harder to accomplish, and would require significant changes to the codebase.

Option 1 makes setting PUBLIC_URL simple and requires almost no change to the codebase; as noted we don't care about the cost of using such containers.

Therefore we have chosen option 1.

Routing and base path

A key requirement is to be able to configure at run time the the URL at which the app is deployed.

Because we are using React Router v4 (react-router-dom), and therefore the HTML5 pushState history API via its dependency history, we cannot use t he relatively simple package.json homepage property.

Instead we must use CRA-provided build-time environment variable PUBLIC_URL.

  • It is discussed briefly as the URL for the public folder, of which we make use for dynamic configuration assets such as external text and variable configuration files.

  • PUBLIC_URL is also discussed more interestingly in Advanced Configuration:

    > Create React App assumes your application is hosted at the serving web server's root or a subpath as

    specified in package.json (homepage). Normally, Create React App ignores the hostname. You may use this variable to force assets to be referenced verbatim to the url you provide (hostname included). This may be particularly useful when using a CDN to host your application.

PUBLIC_URL serves much the same purpose as our custom env variable REACT_APP_CE_BASE_PATH. This redundancy will be eliminated in a future verison of CE.

Setup using Docker

We use Docker for production deployment.

It can also be useful in development; for example, to test a proposed volume mounting for the container.

Build docker image manually

Until recently (roughly, Jan 2019), we were using Dockerhub automated builds to build our images. Dockerhub recently changed their UI and in doing so broke all the automated builds. For the moment we need to do manual builds.

Dockerhub images all had the name pcic/climate-explorer-frontend.

To distinguish our manually built images, we are omitting the pcic/ portion of the name and just using climate-explorer-frontend.

Build a docker image:

docker build -t climate-explorer-frontend \
    --build-arg REACT_APP_CE_CURRENT_VERSION="$(./" .

Setting build arg REACT_APP_CE_CURRENT_VERSION as above is the most reliable way to inject an accurate version into the final app. This value can be overridden when the image is run, but it is not recommended, as it introduces the possibility of error.

Tag docker image

Dockerhub automatically assigned the tag latest to the latest build. That was convenient, but ...

For manual build procedures, tagging with latest is not considered a good idea. It is better (and easy and immediately obvious) to tag with version/release numbers. In this example, we will tag with version 1.2.3.

  1. Determine the recently built image's ID:

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    climate-explorer-frontend                                          latest              14cb66d3d145        22 seconds ago      867MB
  2. Tag the image:

    Tag the image
    $ docker tag 1040e7f07e5d

Push docker image to PCIC docker registry

PCIC maintains its own docker registry. We place manual builds in this registry:

docker push

Run docker image

As described above, environment variables configure the app. All are given standard development and production values in the files .env, .env.development, and .env.production.

These can be overridden at run time by providing them in the docker run command (-e option).

In addition, we mount the configuration files as volumes in the container. This enables us to update these files without rebuilding or redeploying the app. See the section below for details.

Typical production run:

docker run --restart=unless-stopped -d
  -e PUBLIC_URL=<deployment url, including base path>
  -e REACT_APP_CE_BASE_PATH=<deployment base path>
  -e <other env variable>=<value>
  -p <external port>:8080
  --name climate-explorer-frontend
  - v /path/to/external/variable-options.yaml:/app/build/variable-options.yaml
  - v /path/to/external/external-texts/default.yaml:/app/build/external-texts/default.yaml

Updating configuration files

Certain parts of Climate Explorer are configured in external configuration files. These configuration files are stored in the public folder. The path to each configuration file inside this folder specified by an environment variable. Specifically:

Configuration Env variable Default value
External texts REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_TEXT external-text/default.yaml
Variable options REACT_APP_VARIABLE_OPTIONS variable-options.yaml

During a build (npm run build), files in the public folder are copied directly, without bundling, to the build directory (normally, ./build). Files in the build folder can be updated on the fly, so that changes to them can be made without creating a new release of Climate Explorer.

When running the app in a production environment, we mount an external configuration file as a volume in the docker container. (See section above.) This external file can be modified, and the container restarted, to provide an updated version of the variable options file without needing to modify source code, create a new release, or rebuild the image.

To change the configuration file without creating a new release of the app:

  • Update the configuration file in the external file system.
  • Restart the container (docker restart climate-explorer-frontend)


  • Stop the app and start it again with a different value for the associated environment variable, and a corresponding volume mount for this new file.

To prevent tears, hair loss, and the cursing of your name by future developers (including yourself), we strongly recommend also updating the source configuration files in the repo (in the public folder) with any changes made, so that they are in fact propagated to later versions. "Hot updates" should not be stored outside of the version control system.


Creating a versioned release involves:

  1. Increment version in package.json
  2. Summarize the changes from the last version in
  3. Commit these changes, then tag the release:
git add package.json
git commit -m"Bump to version x.x.x"
git tag -a -m"x.x.x" x.x.x
git push --follow-tags

Code style standard compliance

We have nominally adopted the default ESLint code style. We aren't enforcing it right now, unfortunately.

Enforcement aside, we continue to commit code that is in violation of these standards, which is undesirable for at least two reasons:

  • Following a coding standard makes the code much easier to read.
  • For those of us with an IDE plugin that flags standards violations, they appear all over the place, which is distracting to say the least.

The coding standard we adopted has a lot of rules, but the following are the ones we are violating most. A small effort could radically reduce the number of new violations we introduce. In approximate order of frequency of violation:

  1. Limit line length to 80 characters.
  2. Use single quotes for strings. (Double quotes are visually noisier.)
  3. Place a space after a begin comment delimiter. (// comment..., not //comment....)
  4. Place a space between if and for and the opening parenthesis. (if (cond), not if(cond))
  5. Declare variables with const or let, in that order of preference; avoid var. (const and let are scoped.)
    • Use for (const prop in obj) and for (const val of iterable), but for (let i = 1; i < n; i++)