- @author: Pablo Miranda
- @version: 1.0
- Date début projet : 29-3-2024 - date finalisation: 19-4-2024
PayMyBuddy is an online service to simplify transactions between friends and close ones without the burden of usual banks.
It delivers a simple platform to transfer money to your contacts at one click of distance and immediately.
- Landing page to welcome users
- Login and registration with hashing to ensure security supplied by Spring.
- Transactions history and payment at one click.
- Beneficiary management for adding new friends.
- External transfer to a bank account and reload credit for the account.
- Data persistency using a mysql database for the main operations.
- Logging for debug
- SpringBoot for boostraping app, default config and logging.
- Spring Security for account management, endpoints access.
- Docker and mysql for DBMS.
- Spring JPA for data handling and Lombok to simplify models.
- Front-end with bootstrap 5 and Thymeleaf.
- 82% coverage for 30 unit and integration tests, 100% successful.
- MVC and repository pattern.