The following short instruction will show you how to configure the IRC bot. Once the bot is configured, you can run the bot via the enclosed run_(win32.bat|unix.ssh) files. You'll need PHP installed to run the bot.
- mYsTeRy-v2.1a/
- /classes/
- /configuration/
- /bots/
- /networks/
- /database/
- /interfaces/
- /logs/
- /pawn/
- /plugins/
- /ssl/
SQLite = on # requires the php_sqlite3.(dll|so) module
MySQL = off # see mysql.ini for host/user/db config
AdminPass = testicle # specifies the password to get recognised as bot admin -> /msg BotNickname login password
Admins[] = "[email protected]" # adding your ident allows you to get recognised as administrator without login
;Admins[] = "[email protected]" # format: nickname!ident@hostname
Logging = on # specifies whether all channel messages get logged
Sleep = 40000 # specifies the sleep time of the bot = 1mio/sleeptime => ticks per second (1000000/40000 = 25 ticks)
Prefix = "!" # command prefix
Ping = 45 # specifies the bot ping timeout check in seconds
# plugins loaded on startup, use !load/!unload when the bot is connected
Plugins[] = ctcp
Plugins[] = dcc
Plugins[] = "auto_perform"
How to define a new network (required file format):
Name = Networkname # Case sensitive string
SSL = false # boolean (alt)
SSL_CRT = "" # case sensitive string (alt)
Port = 6667 # integer
Servers[] = "" # Array set of strings
The filename does not matter.
How to create a new bot:
Create a new config (.cfg) file and use the following structure:
Nick = mYsTeRy # String
AltNick = mYsTeRy_ # String
Username = mYsTeRy # String
Realname = mYsTeRy # String
Password = test # String
Child = false # boolean
Quit = Goodbye # String
Channels[] = #mYsTeRy # Array set of string
Network = FoCoIRC # Specify the network name here, the bot will attempt
# to join this network. (see network config above)
Commands[] = # Array set of strings
PS: The filename does NOT matter, as the script will try to load all files within the bots/ folder.
The bot has built in commands to fully control the bot. (admin privileges required)
!join (#channel) # joins the given channel
!part (#channel) # parts the given channel
!quit (quit message) # disconnects the bot
!! (php code) # evaluates the given php code
!addcmd (command) (privilege) (phpcode) # creates a new command
!delcmd (command) # deletes a command
!cmds # displays a list of all commands (via NOTICE)
!load (plugin/module) # loads a plugin from plugins/
!unload (plugin/module) # unloads a plugin
!plugins # shows a list of all plugins
!ident # returns your ident
!mem # displays current memory usage
!uptime # displays uptime
You will need admin privileges to control the bot and run commands. There are two ways to identify as administrator:
1. Open configuration/general.cfg and add your irc ident to the 'Admins[]' array set.
2. If you don't have a static irc ident, edit the password for the variable 'AdminPass' in configuration/general.cfg.
Now start the bot and execute the following command:
/msg [BotNickname] login [password]
The bot will let you know, whether it worked or not.
The bot requires various php libraries to work properly. The following list will show you all required extensions in your PHP configuration file (php.ini).
Coming soon.
function onBotConnect($bot)
function onBotNotice($bot, $user, $message, $ident)
function onChannelMessage($bot, $channel, $user, $message, $ident)
function onPrivateMessage($bot, $user, $message, $ident)
function onInvite($bot, $user, $channel, $ident)
function onChannelJoin($bot, $channel, $user, $ident)
function onChannelPart($bot, $channel, $user, $partmsg, $ident)
function onChannelKick($bot, $channel, $user, $victim, $reason, $ident)
function onChannelMode($bot, $channel, $user, $mode, $option, $ident)
function onNickChange($bot, $nick, $newnick, $ident)
function onUserQuit($bot, $user, $quitmsg, $ident)
function onChannelTopic($bot, $channel, $user, $topic, $ident)
function onCTCPRequest($bot, $user, $request, $message, $ident)
function onRawEvent($bot, $rawcode, $data, $server_ident)
function onTick()
function onCommand($bot, $command, $params, $user, $recipient, $ident)
There are some fundamental rules you should be aware of when creating these comment blocks:
Every comment block must begin with a forward slash (/) followed by two asterisks (**).
Subsequent lines begin with an asterisk (*), which is indented to appear under the first asterisk of the opening line.
The end of the block is defined by an asterisk (*), followed by a forward slash (/).
Such comment blocks are usually present at both package and module level in Java. Since PHP does not group objects in this way, you don't usually have to worry about these (although you can, if your code is organized according to this convention).
Once you've got the initial comment block set up, PHPDoc lets you add some information to it. This information consists of a single-line description of the item, together with zero or more tags containing further information. The description and tags are separated by a single line containing a single asterisk (*).