pmaker is a toolkit for creating programming contests.
(Or skip and it will be installed from pypi)
apt install python3-setuptools{,-scm} python3-jinja2
Clone the repo and then
./ install
Tip: You may also use "--user" option for non-privilged install. Note that this way you will probably need to copy/symlink runnable file from ~/.local/bin to your PATH.
[sudo] apt install libcap-dev
git clone
[sudo] make install
For more information please refer to the isolate's official documentation
Following commands are provided
pmaker tests # generates all the tests for the problem in current directory
pmaker invoke <list of solutions> # invokes the specified solutions, use localhost:8128 to see the results
pmaker invoke @all # convenience macro
pmaker testview # shows all the tests, in browser
pmaker invocation-list # to view previous invokations
pmaker run solution # interactively runs named solution without sandboxing (convenience function)
git clone
Completions are provided for bash and located under "completion" folder.
To install bash completion helper copy it to the directory like "/etc/bash_completion.d". Exact directory name may depend on your Distribution
zsh completion is under development