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elacin edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 1 revision

For testing purposes it would be very useful to compare PDF documents with their latex source files. This would enable testing of the application against hundreds of PDFs easily. PDFs with source can be obtained for example at

To this end, compare available libraries for doing this


can be found at (download) and (info)
+ java
+ BSD license
+ much better documentation
+ gives much better impression, good test coverage etc

  • not tried yet


can be found at
+ java
- did not work on any files OOTB. after some hacking (made more tolerant to commands it does not know) its now working, though with very poor support for maths. This might be a problem or not, in any case it will be difficult to make equations come out the same way the will from a PDF
- project seems dead

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