This is the Repository for the EVOX Smart contracts:
Its has 3 choices of deployment environments:
- hardhat
- zkevm
- mumbai testnet
You can deploy to any network you choose by adding the --network flag to you deployment command, if you do not it will default to hardhat.
When you choose the environment you wish to target just drag the appropriate contracts folder out of either
/hardhat_env_contracts or /testnet_env_contracts
into the parent rep folder (REXTEST)
run npm run compile to compile your contracts ( to ensure you have the right abi's in the artifacts folder) and run your deploy command to deploy, or if you are in the hardhat environment you can jump directly into the unit_tests folder to begin your amazing, lucrative, exciting, and stunning journey into the abyss of our repoistory.
You may run the following commands in this repo to deploy or compile :
npm run compile
Deploy --hardhat:
npm run deploy
Deploy --zkevm:
npm run deployzk
Deploy --mumbai:
npm run deploymumbai
There are multiple signers for the network you choose.
The main files are:
- datahub.sol
- This contract holds all stateful data for the contracts, and base functions to manipulate that data
- executor.sol
- This contract is responsible for receiving a trade, querying the oracle, receiving its repsonse, and acting upon the order confirmation
- interestData.sol
- This contract is responsible for holding interest Rate data, and calculating interest charges
- utils.sol
- This contract is reponsible for doing various utility functions related to the executor.
- depositvault.sol
- This contract holds all deposits, and issues deposits, and withdraws
- liquidator.sol
- This contract is reposible for handling liquidations of liquidatable accounts
There are various notes left, and past contract versions in the storage folder, the folder hardhat_env_contracts are contracts that should be moved into the main contract folder for the hardhat env, moved out for testnet.
npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
// transaction-retry-tool //hardhat-gas-trackooor
hardhat-insight Andres Adjimann Hardhat plugin to get contract storage, gas and code size insights using the compiler ast output
FOR DOCS: @bonadocs/docgen
npm run test_interest
@mangrovedao/hardhat-test-solidity Mangrove Hardhat plugin for writing tests in solidity
Get metrics on the gas used by your contracts with the hardhat-gas-reporter plugin. FOR AUX:
@graphprotocol/hardhat-graph The Graph Develop your subgraph side by side with your contracts to save gas and increase productivity.