A tool for generating Rust bindings from ctf.
The ctf-bindgen
tool allows one to generate Rust bindings for a library that
has been compiled with ctf information, directly from the ELF library file.
Given the following C code.
struct foo {
int bar;
float baz;
struct foo boo(int x) {
struct foo f;
f.bar = x;
f.baz = 7.0;
return f;
Compiled as follows
gcc -g -c -fPIC foo.c -o foo.o
gcc -g foo.o -shared -o libfoo.so
ctfconvert -L VERSION libfoo.so
We can generate Rust bindings with
ctf-bindgen libfoo.so
which results in
#[link(name = "foo", kind = "dylib")]
extern "C" {
pub fn boo(_: u32) -> foo;
pub struct foo {
pub bar: u32,
pub baz: f32,
where the above code can be used as follows with an appropriate
cargo:rustc-link-search=<location of libfoo.so>
in your build.rs file.
mod foo;
fn test_foo() {
let foo = unsafe{ crate::foo::boo(47) };
assert_eq!(foo.bar, 47);
assert_eq!(foo.baz, 7.0);