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Deploy a New Protocol Testnet

Nicolas Ochem edited this page Dec 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Protocol testnets are required each time there is a new protocol proposal by the core teams.

Values files

Every testnet is specified by a values file, e.g. networks/oxfordnet/values.yaml

A good place to start is to copy the previous testnet file.

Bootstrap constants

The network is defined by the constants passed at block 1. The activation job is creating block 1 based on constants.

In order to test the protocol migration in more real conditions, the test network for protocol N always starts from protocol N-1. Therefore, it is necessary to create a set of constants compatible with protocol N-1 (for oxford, this would be the Nairobi protocol).

Modify the existing activation section of the yaml file based on the new protocol. A working set of constants can be found in the tezos-k8s repo, as well as some examples in the octez source code's tezt test suite.

It is a good idea to test these constants in isolation in minikube or directly in the production cluster. The activation job must pass.

Once constants are ready, verify with the core teams. Commit your file and push it, then submit it to the #proto-proposal slack channel for validation.

The teztnets repo also has a script in scripts/ to compare constants between mainnet, ghostnet and the proposed network. This script might need editing each time you use it. This is useful to spot differences that would be missed by just reading constants one by one.

Make sure that the testnet_dictator constant is set to a public key hash of an account that you control. Otherwise, you can't upgrade.

Bootstrap bakers

They are defined in the accounts: object of your values file.

Ask on Discord #teztnets and in the dev slack #teztnets-xyz channels for volunteers. Do not presume that the volunteers from the last round will show up. Comment all the bootstrap bakers (denoted by is_bootstrap_baking_account: True in yaml) out, then request people to open pull request or let you know, to add them back in.

Once the network activates, and block 1 has propagated, it is difficult to revert. Measure twice, cut once.

We typically assign a larger number to teztnetsbaker (10 to 1 ratio). This is because not everyone is always ready, and we don't want the chain to get stalled. Right after chain start, we redistribute most of this stake to the bakers that were actually active.

Set the correct name and date for the network

In node_config_network object, put a timestamp for when the network will activate. It goes in two places: chain_name by convention contains the timestamp of the chain start, and genesis contains a timestamp object that must be in the past when you activate your network. Otherwise, activation will fail.

15:00 UTC works well for most timezones. Give at least 24 hours after the RC is out before starting the network. Don't activate on a Friday.

  133 node_config_network:                                                                                                              
  134   activation_account_name: teztnetsbaker                                                                                          
  135   chain_name: TEZOS_OXFORDNET_2023-12-07T15:00:00Z                                                                                
  136   genesis:                                                                                                                        
  137     protocol: Ps9mPmXaRzmzk35gbAYNCAw6UXdE2qoABTHbN2oEEc1qM7CwT9P                                                                 
  138     timestamp: "2023-12-07T15:00:00Z"

Rich accounts

Some non bootstrap bakers have funds. Just carry over from past networks, unless someone asks. If someone asks, make sure that the person never registers this account as baker, as this would tip the stake heavily towards them.

Use correct image

Typically, when a new protocol is announced, a release candidate is announced. You must run it:

  255 images:                                                                                                                           
  256   octez: tezos/tezos:v19.0-rc1 

Run both bakers

Initially, both N-1 and N protocol must run:

  258 protocols:                                                                                                                        
  259   - command: PtNairob                                                                                                             
  260     vote:                                                                                                                         
  261       liquidity_baking_toggle_vote: "pass"                                                                                        
  262   - command: Proxford                                                                                                             
  263     vote:                                                                                                                         
  264       liquidity_baking_toggle_vote: "pass"                                                                                        
  265       adaptive_issuance_vote: "on"

Define network in index.ts

Copy and paste from the previous network:

  249 new TezosFaucet(                                                                                                                  
  251   {                                                                                                                               
  252     namespace: oxfordnet_chain.namespace,                                                                                         
  253     humanName: "Oxfordnet",                                                                                                       
  254     helmValuesFile: "networks/oxfordnet/faucet_values.yaml",                                                                      
  255     faucetPrivateKey: faucetPrivateKey,                                                                                           
  256     faucetRecaptchaSiteKey: faucetRecaptchaSiteKey,                                                                               
  257     faucetRecaptchaSecretKey: faucetRecaptchaSecretKey,                                                                           
  258     chartRepoVersion: "6.25.0",                                                                                                   
  259   },                                                                                                                              
  260   provider                                                                                                                        
  261 )                                                                                                                                 

Do not deploy the faucet yet. It does not deploy cleanly before the chain actually runs.

Deploy Webpage and endpoints in advance

Long before you actually activate, you want the webpage to be up announcing the network.

You can write free form text in `networks/<your_network>/, it will be displayed. These are typically instructions that are only applicable on network start (see git history of these files for examples).

As you deploy this code, it is a good idea to comment out the activation sections of the values file. Otherwise, you will deploy an activate job that will fail until the start date, and you won't be able to have clean pulumi ups. Uncomment it shortly before activation.

To deploy the webpage, make sure that your chain is exported in the pulumi outputs networks and teztnets, e.g.

  449 export const teztnets = {                                                                                                         
  450   ...getTeztnets([dailynet_chain, weeklynet_chain, nairobinet_chain, oxfordnet_chain]),                                           
  451   ...{ ghostnet: ghostnetTeztnet, mainnet: mainnetMetadata },                                                                     
  452 }        


Verify in k9s in the node logs that your node is peering with peers.

At the right time, uncomment the activation section of your yaml file. Then, do pulumi up locally. It is possible to do it with commit and push, but doing it manually is slightly faster and you are able to preview.

The activation job should run. If it doesn't, see other runbook how to run activation job again(TODO).

In the baker logs, you should see the block 1 preendorsed, then endorsed. If you only see preendorsed, it means that you don't have quorum. Reach out to the other bakers.

Deploy faucet

You may now deploy the faucet. Instantiate the TezosFaucet class:

Dictator upgrade

At the end of cycle 1, perform a dictator upgrade to the protocol that was just announced. Verify in Nomadic Labs blog post what the correct hash is.

This requires the dictator address to have funds and be revealed. The easiest way to achieve this is to do a transfer in and out.

Dictator upgrades are just like proposal submission, except that the proposal automatically becomes adopted and the governance phase moves to phase 5 (adoption). Read more.

The command:

octez-client --endpoint https://rpc.<teztnet name> submit proposal for dictator <hash> --force

Force is necessary otherwise the CLI assumes that the proposal is erroneous due to the absence of baking rights.

In case of mistake, it is possible to submit a subsequent upgrade before the end of the cycle. The new protocol supercedes the old one. It is possible to cancel it altogether by submitting the empty string as proposal.

Stop the baker for the old protocol

In the protocols: section, after governance upgrade has taken place, it is now possible to remove the old protocol. Just remove the relevant object.

Terminate the teztnet

When Tezos mainnet has moved to the next protocol, the testnet serves no purpose, even though people might stick to it. It is a good idea to force users to the new network by bricking the testnet. This is done by using dictator key again, to upgrade it to a protocol that does not exist.

TODO: explain how to make a vanity proposal