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added Trace_Call class and utils
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DinisCruz committed Sep 21, 2023
1 parent 9bcf122 commit 01e8c69
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Showing 2 changed files with 374 additions and 0 deletions.
315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions osbot_utils/testing/
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@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
import linecache
import sys
from functools import wraps

from osbot_utils.utils.Dev import pformat

# ANSI escape codes #todo: refactor this color support to OSBot_Utils
dark_mode = False

if dark_mode:
BOLD = "\033[1m\033[48;2;30;31;34m\033[38;2;255;255;255m" # dark mode
BLUE = "\033[48;2;30;31;34m\033[94m"
GREEN = "\033[48;2;30;31;34m\033[92m"
OLIVE = "\033[48;2;30;31;34m\033[38;2;118;138;118m"
GREY = "\033[48;2;30;31;34m\033[90m"
BOLD = "\033[1m"
BLUE = "\033[94m"
GREEN = "\033[92m"
OLIVE = "\033[38;2;118;138;118m"
GREY = "\033[90m"

RED = "\033[91m"

RESET = "\033[0m"

text_blue = lambda text: f"{BLUE}{text}{RESET}"
text_bold = lambda text: f"{BOLD}{text}{RESET}"
text_bold_red = lambda text: f"{BOLD}{RED}{text}{RESET}"
text_bold_green = lambda text: f"{BOLD}{GREEN}{text}{RESET}"
text_bold_blue = lambda text: f"{BOLD}{BLUE}{text}{RESET}"
text_green = lambda text: f"{GREEN}{text}{RESET}"
text_grey = lambda text: f"{GREY}{text}{RESET}"
text_olive = lambda text: f"{OLIVE}{text}{RESET}"
text_red = lambda text: f"{RED}{text}{RESET}"
text_none = lambda text: f"{text}"
text_color = lambda text, color: f"{color}{text}{RESET}"


def trace_calls(title=None, print=True, locals=False, source_code=False, ignore=None, include=None,
max_string=None, show_types=False, show_caller=False, show_parent=False, show_path=False):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with Trace_Call(title=title, print_on_exit=print, print_locals=locals,
capture_source_code=source_code, ignore_start_with=ignore,
capture_start_with=include, print_max_string_length=max_string,
show_parent_info=show_types, show_method_parent=show_parent,
show_caller=show_caller, show_source_code_path=show_path):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator

class Trace_Call:
def __init__(self, title=None, print_on_exit=False, print_locals=False, capture_source_code=False, ignore_start_with=None,
capture_start_with=None, print_max_string_length=None, show_parent_info=True, show_caller=False,
show_method_parent=False, show_source_code_path=False):
self.prev_trace_function = None # Stores the previous trace function
self.call_index = 0 # Counter for the index of each function call
self.trace_title = title or 'Trace Session' # Title for the trace
self.stack = [{"name" : self.trace_title , "children": [],
"call_index": self.call_index }] # Call stack information
self.view_model = [] # Stores the view model data
self.print_show_method_parent = show_method_parent
self.print_show_caller = show_caller
self.print_traces_on_exit = print_on_exit # Flag for printing traces when exiting
self.print_show_parent_info = show_parent_info # Flag for showing parent info when printing
self.print_show_locals = print_locals
self.print_show_source_code_path = show_source_code_path
self.print_max_string_length = print_max_string_length or MAX_STRING_LENGTH
self.trace_capture_all = False
self.trace_capture_source_code = capture_source_code
self.trace_ignore_internals = True
self.trace_capture_start_with = capture_start_with or ['cbr_website_beta'] # List of starting substrings for modules to trace
self.trace_ignore_start_with = ignore_start_with or []
#self.view_parents_to_prune = capture_start_with or ["cbr_website_beta"] # List of parent names to prune in the view

def __enter__(self):
self.start() # Start the tracing
return self

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.stop() # Stop the tracing
self.process_data() # Process the data captured
self.fix_view_mode() # Fix the view mode for the last node
if self.print_traces_on_exit:
self.print_traces() # Print the traces if the flag is set

def add_trace_ignore(self, value):

def trace(self, title):
self.trace_title = title
self.stack.append({"name": title, "children": [],"call_index": self.call_index})
return self

def create_view_model(self, json_list, level=0, prefix="", view_model=None):
if view_model is None:
view_model = [] # Initialize view model if None

for idx, node in enumerate(json_list): # Iterate over each node in the JSON list to populate the view model
components = node["name"].split('.')
locals = node.get('locals')
source_code = node.get('source_code' )
source_code_caller = node.get('source_code_caller' )
source_code_location = node.get('source_code_location')
method_name = components[-1]
if len(components) > 1:
method_parent = f"{components[-2]}"
method_parent = ""
if method_name == "__init__": # Adjust the method_name based on special method names like __init__ and __call__
method_name = f"{method_parent}.{method_name}"
elif method_name == "__call__":
method_name = f"{method_parent}.{method_name}"
elif method_name == "<module>":
method_name = f"{method_parent}.{method_name}"

pruned_parents = [comp for comp in components] #if comp not in self.view_parents_to_prune] # Remove the parents that are in the prune list
parent_info = '.'.join(pruned_parents[:-1])

if level == 0: # Handle tree representation at level 0
emoji = "📦 "
tree_branch = ""
is_last_sibling = (idx == len(json_list) - 1) # Check if the node is the last sibling
tree_branch = "└── " if is_last_sibling else "├── "
emoji = "🧩️" if not node["children"] else "🔗️"

view_model.append({ 'prefix' : prefix ,
'tree_branch' : tree_branch ,
'emoji' : emoji ,
'method_name' : method_name ,
'method_parent' : method_parent ,
'parent_info' : parent_info ,
'locals' : locals ,
'source_code' : source_code ,
'source_code_caller' : source_code_caller ,
'source_code_location': source_code_location })
next_prefix = prefix + (" " if tree_branch == "└── " else "│ ") # Calculate the prefix for the next level
self.create_view_model(node["children"], level + 1, prefix=next_prefix, view_model=view_model)

return view_model

def fix_view_mode(self):
if len(self.view_model) > 0:
last_node = self.view_model[-1] # Get the last node in the view model
last_node['prefix'] = '└───' # Update the prefix for the last node
last_node['tree_branch'] = '─── '

def formatted_local_data(self, local_data, formatted_line):
if local_data:
formatted_data = {}
max_key_length = 0 # Variable to store the length of the longest key

# First pass to format data and find the length of the longest key
for key, value in local_data.items():
if key.startswith('_'): # don't show internal methods
# Convert objects to their type name
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = pformat(value) # convert dicts to string (so that they are impacted by self.self.print_max_string_length)
if not isinstance(value, (int, float, bool, str, dict)):
formatted_data[key] = (type(value).__name__, BLUE)
elif isinstance(value, str) and len(value) > self.print_max_string_length:
formatted_data[key] = (value[:self.print_max_string_length] + "...", GREEN) # Trim large strings
formatted_data[key] = (value, GREEN)

# Update the maximum key length
if len(key) > max_key_length:
max_key_length = len(key)

def format_multiline(value, left_padding):
lines = str(value).split('\n')
indented_lines = [lines[0]] + [" " * (left_padding +1) + line for line in lines[1:]]
return '\n'.join(indented_lines)

# Second pass to print the keys and values aligned
padding = " " * len(formatted_line)
for key, (value, color) in formatted_data.items():
# Calculate the number of spaces needed for alignment
spaces = " " * (max_key_length - len(key))
var_name = f"{padding} 🔖 {key}{spaces} = "
value = format_multiline(value, len(var_name))

def print_traces(self):
print("--------- CALL TRACER ----------")
print(f"Here are the {len(self.view_model)} traces captured\n")
for idx, item in enumerate(self.view_model):
prefix = item['prefix']
tree_branch = item['tree_branch']
emoji = item['emoji']
method_name = item['method_name']
method_parent = item['method_parent']
parent_info = item['parent_info']
locals = item.get('locals' , {} )
source_code = item.get('source_code' , '' )
source_code_caller = item.get('source_code_caller', '' )
source_code_location = item.get('source_code_location') or ''

if self.print_show_method_parent:
method_name = f'{text_olive(method_parent)}.{text_bold(method_name)}'
self.print_show_parent_info = False # these are not compatible

node_text = source_code or method_name
formatted_line = f"{prefix}{tree_branch}{emoji} {node_text}"
padding = " " * (60 - len(formatted_line))

if self.trace_capture_source_code:
if self.print_show_caller:
print(f"{prefix}{tree_branch}➡️{emoji} {text_grey(node_text)}")
print(f"{prefix}{tree_branch}➡️{emoji} {text_bold(node_text)}")

if self.print_show_source_code_path:

raise Exception("to implement path_source_code_root")
path_source_code_root = ...

print(f" " * len(prefix), end=" ")
fixed_source_code_location = source_code_location.replace(path_source_code_root, '')
if idx == 0 or self.print_show_parent_info is False: # Handle the first line and conditional parent info differently
print(f"{text_bold(formatted_line)}") # Don't add "|" to the first line
print(f"{text_bold(formatted_line)}{padding} {parent_info}")

if self.print_show_locals:
# formatted_line = formatted_line.replace('│', ' ')
# print(f"{text_bold(formatted_line)}")
self.formatted_local_data(locals, f'{prefix}{tree_branch}')
# else:

def process_data(self):
self.view_model = self.create_view_model(self.stack) # Process data to create the view model

def start(self):
self.prev_trace_function = sys.gettrace() # Store the current trace function
sys.settrace(self.trace_calls) # Set the new trace function

def stop(self):
sys.settrace(self.prev_trace_function) # Restore the previous trace function

def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg):
if event == 'call':
code = frame.f_code # Get code object from frame
func_name = code.co_name # Get function name
module = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "") # Get module name
capture = False
if self.trace_capture_all:
capture = True
for item in self.trace_capture_start_with: # Check if the module should be captured
if module.startswith(item):
capture = True
if self.trace_ignore_internals and func_name.startswith('_'): # Skip private functions
capture = False

for item in self.trace_ignore_start_with: # Check if the module should be ignored
if module.startswith(item):
capture = False

if capture:
if self.trace_capture_source_code:
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
lineno = frame.f_lineno
source_code = linecache.getline(filename, lineno).strip()

caller_filename = frame.f_back.f_code.co_filename
caller_lineno = frame.f_back.f_lineno
source_code_caller = linecache.getline(caller_filename, caller_lineno).strip()
source_code_location = f'{filename}:{lineno}'
source_code = ''
source_code_caller = ''
source_code_location = ''

locals = frame.f_locals
instance = frame.f_locals.get("self", None) # Get instance if available
class_name = instance.__class__.__name__ if instance else ""
except Exception:
class_name = "<unavailable>"
full_name = f"{module}.{class_name}.{func_name}" if class_name else f"{module}.{func_name}"
if "utils.for_testing.Trace_Call.Trace_Call" in full_name: # Skip internal calls to this class
return self.trace_calls
self.call_index += 1 # Increment the call index
new_node = { "name" : full_name ,
"children" : [] ,
'call_index' : self.call_index ,
'locals' : locals ,
'source_code' : source_code ,
'source_code_caller' : source_code_caller ,
'source_code_location': source_code_location } # Create a new node for this call
self.stack[-1]["children"].append(new_node) # Insert the new node into the stack
self.stack.append(new_node) # Push the new node to the stack
frame.f_locals['__trace_depth'] = len(self.stack) # Store the depth in frame locals
elif event == 'return':
if '__trace_depth' in frame.f_locals and frame.f_locals['__trace_depth'] == len(self.stack):
self.stack.pop() # Pop the stack on return if corresponding call was captured

return self.trace_calls

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