The codegen
tool takes the tamplates from the /templates folder and generates classes needed for your .net core project.
By default it includes templates for an API based project that contains Resources, Services, Controllers and Unit Tests.
codegen.exe --f ../../ --p api.json --r result --n MyNamespace --d MyDbContext --c Organization --o org
-f, --folder Required. The path to the base folder where the templates and results should stay -p, --project Required. The relative path from the base folder to the json file that contains the template file definitions -r, --result Required. The relative path from base folder to the folder that will contain the resulted files -n, --namespace (Default: CodeGenSample) The Namespace for the class -d, --dbcontext (Default: DbContext) The DbContext for that will be referenced in the repository class -c, --class (Default: Organization) The POCO class name. Eg: Organization --classpluralized The POCO class name in pluralized format. Eg: Organizations -o, --object Required. (Default: org) The POCO object name. Eg: org --objectpluralized The POCO object name in pluralized format. Eg: orgs --help Display this help screen. --version Display version information.