$ composer require "overtrue/laravel-socialite"
if you have been installed the
package, please remove it fromcomposer.json
before this command.
- You will also need to add credentials for the OAuth services your application utilizes. These credentials should be placed in your
configuration file, and should use the key facebook, twitter, linkedin, google, github or bitbucket, depending on the providers your application requires. For example:
return [
'github' => [
'client_id' => 'your-app-id',
'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Socialite;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
class AuthController extends Controller
* Redirect the user to the GitHub authentication page.
public function redirectToProvider()
return redirect()->to(Socialite::create('github')->redirect());
* Obtain the user information from GitHub.
public function handleProviderCallback(Request $request)
$user = Socialite::create('github')->userFromCode($request->query('code'));
// $user->getId();
// $user->getNickname();
// ...
And register routes:
Route::get('/oauth/github', 'AuthController@redirectToProvider');
Route::get('/oauth/github/callback', 'AuthController@handleProviderCallback');
About more usage, please refer to overtrue/socialite.
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Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for me to work on this and other open-source projects.
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