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File System Transformations

Utz Westermann edited this page Jun 9, 2015 · 15 revisions


Schedoscope includes a group of file system transformations. File system transformation produce view data by copying files from diverse sources into a view's fullPath. As such, they are particularily suitable in the stage areas of a data warehouse.


case class CopyFrom(val fromPattern: String, val toView: View, val recursive: Boolean = true) 
case class StoreFrom(val inputStream: InputStream, val toView: View)
case class Copy(val fromPattern: String, val toPath: String, val recursive: Boolean = true)
case class Move(val fromPattern: String, val toPath: String)
case class IfExists(val path: String, val op: FilesystemTransformation)
case class IfNotExists(val path: String, val op: FilesystemTransformation)



CopyFrom copies source files and folders matching a GLOB pattern into a view's fullPath (i.e., the partition folder in HDFS). This can be done recursively or non-recursively. The transformation also supports copying resources from the classpath.


  • fromPattern: The source file or resource files to copy. When given a file path or file pattern, the source is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the source is interpreted as local file system path. If given a classpath://, the source is interpreted as a classpath resource. The latter is useful if you want to create source-code managed configuration and lookup tables in Hive.

  • toView: The files are copied to the fullPath of toView.

  • recursive: Copy folders recursively or not. Defaults to true.


StoreFrom dumps an input stream as a file into a view's fullPath (i.e., the partition folder in HDFS). This is useful for dynamically generating lookup or configuration tables during view materialization.


  • imputStream: The input stream to dump.

  • toView: The stream is dumped to the fullPath of toView.


Copy copies source files and folders matching a GLOB pattern into some target folder. This can be done recursively or non-recursively. The transformation also supports copying resources from the classpath.

  • fromPattern: The source file or resource files to copy. When given a file path or file pattern, the source is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the source is interpreted as local file system path. If given a classpath://, the source is interpreted as a classpath resource. The latter is useful if you want to create source-code managed configuration and lookup tables in Hive.

  • toPath: The path to copy files to. When given a file path or file pattern, the source is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the source is interpreted as local file system path.

  • recursive: Copy folders recursively or not. Defaults to true.


Move moves source files and folders matching a GLOB pattern into some target folder.

  • fromPattern: The source file or resource files to move. When given a file path or file pattern, the source is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the source is interpreted as local file system path.

  • toPath: The path to move the specified files to. When given a file path or file pattern, the source is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the source is interpreted as local file system path.


IfExists performs a file transformation, but only if there are files matching a path pattern.

  • path: The path to check. It is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the path is interpreted as local file system path.

  • op: The file system transformation to execute if the path does exist.


IfExists performs a file transformation, but only if there are no files matching a path pattern. This is useful to avoid repetitive copying.

  • path: The path to check. It is interpreted as an HDFS path. If given a file:// URL, the path is interpreted as local file system path.

  • op: The file system transformation to execute if the path does not exist.




An example of using CopyFrom to copy a file into a view's fullPath:

transformVia(() => 
  CopyFrom(s"/hdp/stage/productfeed_${year.v.get}${month.v.get}${day.v.get}.csv", this)

Note that the file is only copied if it does not already exist, and that the path has been parameterized using the view parameters year, month, day.

An example of copying view data from the classpath (taken from the tutorial):

transformVia(() => CopyFrom("classpath://osm-data/node_tags.txt", this))

An example of dynamically generating view data on materialization time using StoreFrom:

 transformVia(() => StoreFrom(allSitesInputStream, this))

allSitesInputStream is a function extracting a site list out of a config file in the classpath an returning it as an input stream.

Packaging and Deployment

File system transformations are self-contained, so there are no packaging and deployment aspects to consider.

Change detection

Schedoscope does not keep track of files copied or moved by file system transformations. A view based on filesystem transformation is executed once upon materialization, even if a reexecution would copy or moved additional files.

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