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TimeSync is the OSU Open Source Lab's time tracking system. It's designed to be simple, have a sane API, and make sense while allowing users to track their time spent on various projects and activities.

This is the reference implementation of the TimeSync API, written for Node.js. The API documentation can be found here.


To start a local instance running on port 8000, just run:

$ npm install
$ npm run migrations
$ npm run create-account
$ npm run devel

npm run devel is a convenience that will automatically restart the server every time source files are changed. The standard npm start still works, and will not restart the server automatically.

The SECRET_KEY and INSTANCE_NAME environment variables are used for the authentication service: INSTANCE_NAME is used to uniquely identify a running instance of timesync, to prevent cross-authentication, and SECRET_KEY is used as a cryptographic key for the token signing function (see the docs for more details).

These environment variables are set to default, but insecure, values when running npm run devel for convenience; these values should not be used in any production environment.

It is important that in production, SECRET_KEY is set to a secure key which cannot be guessed, and INSTANCE_NAME is set to a unique name which can identify your instance.

To run the test suite and linter run:

$ npm test
$ npm run linter

Alternately, run:

$ npm run latte

Which will run npm run linter followed by npm run coverage (which runs the tests and then prints test coverage results).

To run a subset of the tests:

$ npm test -- -g <substring of test description>
$ npm test -- -g POST   # Runs all tests with POST in the `describe` or `it` strings

To make a quick request on the dev instance, first run the database migrations and load the fixtures:

$ npm run migrations
$ npm run fixtures   # For loading the test data

Next, run the application:

$ npm run devel

Then, in another terminal, make a request to the application with curl.

If you have a user instance already, then simply first authenticate (angle brackets indicate user input):

$ curl -XPOST -d '{"auth":{"type":"password","username":"<user>","password":"<pass>"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000/v0/login

This will print out a long JWT token, which you can then place into the data on your curl request: (Piping it to python makes the output pretty.)

$ curl -XGET -s localhost:8000/v0/times?token=<token> | python -m json.tool
    "activities": [
    "created_at": "2016-02-19",
    "date_worked": "2016-02-19",
    "duration": 12000,
    "issue_uri": "",
    "notes": "Example project.",
    "project": [
    "updated_at": null,
    "user": "me"

Your output should look something like the above.

If you would like to test the PostgreSQL database, but don't want to setup a whole PostgreSQL database, the command npm run test_pg_docker will spin up a docker container and run the tests.

The PostgreSQL container will continue to run until you manually kill it (docker rm -f postgres_pg) or when you run the tests again.

If you want to run the test_pg_docker command make sure of the following:

  • You have docker installed and the daemon is running.
  • You are in the docker group or are able to run docker as a non super-user.

Creating users

If you just installed TimeSync-Node, there will be no users available to you. Run npm run create-account to generate a root user; it will prompt you for a username and password.

The root account shouldn't be used for general use, but it is available to create other accounts for your users.

If you want to use the script in an automated workflow, such as a Chef cookbook, the script accepts the flags --user/--password or -u/-p, as in:

npm run create-account -- -u root -p root_pass

The create-account script is run by the script, as well.

Database Backends

TimeSync Node supports a development sqlite backend and production postgresql, mysql, and sqlite backends. The default development and testing environment uses sqlite; to use PostgreSQL, see the development documentation.

To run migrations on a particular backend, run:

$ NODE_ENV=backend npm run migrations

Valid values of NODE_ENV are mocha (PostgreSQL), mocha_sqlite (SQLite), development (SQLite), development_pg (PostgreSQL), production_pg (PostgreSQL), production_mysql (MySQL), and production_sqlite (SQLite).


More in-depth documentation can be found inside the docs/ folder. To build the docs, build them with sphinxdocs by running the following:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd docs
[docs]$ make html
[docs]$ <browser> build/html/index.html

API Specification

The API docs are a git submodule. Before building them you need to initialize the submodule with the following commands:

The following command initializes the empty submodule:
$ git submodule update --init timesync-api
The following command updates the submodule (when the remote repo gets updated):
$ git submodule update timesync-api

To build the api specification docs run the following commands (it is very similar to building the timesync-node docs):

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd timesync-api
[timesync-api]$ make html
[timesync-api]$ <browser> build/html/index.html


Initial authentication is handled with a number of "modules", including simple password-based, LDAP, and possibly more in the future. To use an authentication module, set the environment variable TIMESYNC_AUTH_MODULES to a JSON list containing the plugin names you wish to enable. If the variable is not set, TimeSync will default to allowing all forms. Note that some types of authentication may require additional settings (see below).

If the TIMESYNC_AUTH_MODULES variable is empty, all supported forms of authentication will be enabled as a default. Invalid module names are ignored.

Possible options:

  • password for simple password-based authentication
  • ldap for LDAP-based authentication

ex: to enable only LDAP authentication, set TIMESYNC_AUTH_MODULES to ["ldap"]. To enable both local password and LDAP, set it to ["password","ldap"]. Order does not matter.

To use LDAP authentication, there are two additional environment variables that need to be set:

  1. TIMESYNC_LDAP_URL: the URL of the LDAP server to connect to, ex. ldaps://
  2. TIMESYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE: the search parameter used to find users, ex. ou=People,dc=osuosl,dc=org

Note that this is only authentication on the /login endpoint. All other endpoints use only token authentication. To use token authentication, first POST to /login using any of the above supported forms of authentication. This will return a JWT token which you can then use to uniquely identify yourself for up to 30 minutes.

Use the token as a query parameter on GET requests (e.g. GET http://localhost:8000/v0/times?token=<token>) and in the auth block on POST requests:

POST http://localhost:8000/v0/projects
  "auth": {
    "type": "token",
    "token": "<token>"
  "object": {