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Jack Twilley edited this page Jul 14, 2014 · 3 revisions

Workstation Widget Concept (submitted by jnoah)

Using ruby's Net::SSH, the widget, every 15min or so, will ssh to a workstation and run the command 'w.'

  • ssh'ing fails, the workstation name is shown in red implying an inability to connect
  • ssh'ing succeeds, :[,...] is listed in green
    • This is acheived by shelling out and running 'w'

Another concept (submitted by mathuin)

What should the widget look like?

  • The widget should be square with a background color dependent upon the state of the system. The foreground color should be easily readable and have high contrast with all background colors -- this probably means white or black, but the foreground color may change when the background color changes. At a minimum, the following states should be considered:

    • Unreachable/powered-off
    • Powered on but nobody logged in
    • Someone logged in remotely but nobody logged in on console
    • Someone logged in on console but screen is locked
    • Someone logged in on console but screen is unlocked and they are idle
    • Someone logged in on console but screen is unlocked and they are unidle
  • The widget should contain a set of center-aligned strings (large/very-small/small font sizes):

    • The name of the workstation in large
    • The IP of the workstation in very small and wrapped in parentheses
    • A small amount of vertical space
    • The username of whoever is logged in on console, or another string like 'Available!'
    • The amount of time said user has been idle, in small
    • A small amount of vertical space
    • Load numbers in small, possibly also in parentheses

How could the widget work?

  • The daemon approach

    • How?

        * The widget would poll a daemon running on each workstation.
        * The daemon would collect relevant information and generate a JSON file.
        * This JSON file would be versioned, with the version updated as the data changes.
        * The JSON file would include per-pty information plus load average.
        * The widget would then poll the daemon every minute or so, retrieving the JSON if it has changed, and then update its display accordingly.
    • Pros:

        * JSON file contains exactly what fenestra expects and needs, nothing more.
        * Privilege escalation kept to bare minimum -- all code runs in user space.
        * Push notifications possible!
    • Cons:

        * Additional code outside fenestra must be written, maintained, and installed by ops on all workstations.
  • The SSH approach

    • How?

        * The widget would access each workstation via SSH.
        * It would then run 'w' (and possibly other commands) and scrape their output to retrieve the relevant information.
        * The widget would then update its display accordingly.
    • Pros:

        * No additional packages for ops to maintain.
    • Cons:

        * Requires a new account on all workstations configured to only run certain commands when accessed via ssh.
        * Requires screen-scraping, which can be fragile.
        * SSH connections are not lightweight.