The objective is to provide a way to generate the configuration for different web/app server with the headers to add and remove using the reference json files provided by the OSHP project.
You can use the provided scripts, as a foundation, to tailor it to your context.
Visual Studio Code is used for the tests suite development. A Visual Studio Code workspace file is provided for the project with recommended extensions.
See here for explanation.
📑 Todo list:
- Test generated configuration in CI pipelines (GitHub actions workflows) using oshp-validator for all supported servers on script update (commit).
- Add code audit using CodeQL with GitHub features.
💻 The script does not use any external dependencies to enhance its portability.
Follow the steps below.
- Ensure that python3 >= 3.9 is installed on your platform.
- Run the following commands corresponding to your context:
$ python --version
Python 3.9.7
$ python ./scripts/ --help
usage: [-h] --server {APACHE_HTTP_SERVER,NGINX,IIS} --action {ADD,REMOVE} [--source JSON_LOCATION] [--output OUTPUT_FILE]
Script generating the configuration instructions snippet for different web/app server with the headers to ADD and REMOVE using the reference json files provided by the OSHP project
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Location where the reference json files can be found (default to GitHub OSHP OWASP repository).
--output OUTPUT_FILE File in which the generated content must be written (default to file 'snippet.conf' in current execution folder).
required named arguments:
Name of the target server for which the configuration instructions snippet must be generated.
--action {ADD,REMOVE}
Type of action performed on headers.
$ python ./scripts/ --output ./generated/test.conf --server APACHE_HTTP_SERVER --action ADD
[+] Load JSON source from ''.
[+] Generate headers 'ADD' instructions for server software name 'APACHE_HTTP_SERVER'.
[+] Save generated instructions to file './generated/test.conf'.
[V] Instructions successfully generated and saved.
$ cat ./generated/test.conf
Header always set Cache-Control "no-store, max-age=0"
Header always set Clear-Site-Data "\"cache\",\"cookies\",\"storage\""