Search movies with async Fetch requests to RapidAPI's IMDB Movie Database
Upvote & Downvote movies while saving data to a local backend server using a PostgreSQL database
- Navigate to frontend github repo - Fork & Clone Repository
- Clone repository in your local terminal
- Project was built on ReactJS 17.0.1 or higher
- npm install
- npm start
RUN AT: http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Navigate to backend github repo - Fork & Clone Repository
- Clone repository in your local terminal
- Project was built on Rails 6.0.3
- bundle install
- rake db:create
- rake db:migrate
- rails s
RUN AT:http://localhost:3002 ((JSON database can be viewed at http://localhost:3002/movies)) application should automatically open to port 3002 the application will not successfully run if on any other port (front end making calls to local host 3002)
- rails c