Personal dotfiles and settings repository. Feel free to use it.
Configuration for GIT, includes tons of aliases and customizations. Original gitconfig file: Someone (can't remember, but thanks!)
This file is part of the gitconfig. It contains the most common ignored files and extensions in the repositories. Of course, you'll have to add your own probably.
Copy the file to your home folder and rename it .gitignore
Original vimrc file from: Amir Salihefendic [email protected]
Copy the file to your user home and rename it to .vimrc
My personal set of configurations for Sublime Text 3
- Sublime Package Control
- Soda Theme (installable via Package Control)
- Terminus font
[For Linux] Copy and rename the file to this directory inside your home folder, where N is your sublime text version (2 or 3)::
My set of configurations for Visual Studio Code
Original screenrc file from: Antonio Perez-Aranda [email protected]
No modifications yet.
Copy the file to your user home and rename it to .screenrc
Oh My ZSH configuration file